Successful business stories from Munich

Here we tell you more - about exciting topics from Munich's economy and about projects that munich business is successfully driving forward.

Careworkers for persons with disabilities

The “Care International” program brings trainee careworkers from Turkey to Munich to assist persons with disabilities.

Gruppenfoto der Programmteilnehmer*innen von Care International 23-24

More diversity in the workplace

The “amiga – Career Center for Internationals” has been supporting talented individuals from around the world for ten years.

Gäste beim amiga-Empfang im Foyer der VHS im Einstein

Munich as international hotspot for outstanding scholars

Some 200 visiting scholars from almost 30 countries attended a reception at Munich’s Town Hall (Rathaus), where they exchanged international views on a whole range of professional and cultural topics.

empfang von gastforschern im alten rathaus

Life sciences in practice

Munich as a successful pharmaceutical location and a European leader in biotechnology successfully developed new drugs, therapy concepts and diagnostics during the pandemic.

Hand positioniert ein gefülltes Reagenzröhrchen in Ständer

News from munich business

Innovation competition 2025 announced


City of Munich's Innovation Cometition 2025 - key visual

Until May 18, Munich is once again looking for innovative solutions and new concepts that have the potential to be tested and implemented in an urban test bed.

Interview with Dr Christian Scharpf


Dr. Christian Scharpf

On March 1, Dr Christian Scharpf succeeded Clemens Baumgärtner as Head of Munich’s Department of Labor and Economic Development. An exclusive interview.

Munich economy - spring report


Menschen und Gebäude

Our concise brochure ‘Munich. The Business Location. Facts and Figures 2025’ offers insight into current economic developments in the region.

Real Estate Market Report Munich 25/26


Titel Immobilienmarktbericht 2025-26

Newly published: Our publication is showing current trends and developments of the industry in Munich.

Munich at SXSW 2025


SXSW 2025 - Urban Hub Europe Event

A delegation from Munich will attend SXSW in Austin, Texas, from 7-15 March 2025. SXSW is the biggest tech and creative festival worldwide.



MFA - Porträts der Jurymitglieder

Preparations for the first European MUNICH FASHION AWARD are in full swing. We are pleased to introduce you to our high-calibre expert jury.

MUNICH FASHION AWARD - application open


Key Visual für den 1. MUNICH FASHION AWARD dunkle Frauensilhouette mit leuchtend-weißem Outfit

The competition is aimed at fashion and accessory designers from all over Europe who combine aesthetics and sustainability in their collections and products.

New Year’s Reception for Japanese firms


Traditionelle Kagami-Biraki-Zeremonie im Münchner Rathaus

Last week the traditional New Year's reception for Japanese companies was once again held at Munich City Hall.

Good news on public transportation


Menschen neben einer Trambahn

Since the beginning of the year, users have had the benefit of more frequent connections and the new MVVswipe ticket.

Li Auto new in Munich


Offizielle Vertreter und Gäste bei der Eröffnung von Li Auto in München

The Chinese electric car manufacturer Li Auto has opened its first research and development center outside China in Munich.

Job monitoring transformation


Logo Jobmonitor der BertelsmannStiftung

Transformation and the job market: How are job profiles changing? With the help of the Bertelsmann Stiftung's Job Monitor, we analyze developments in Munich.

Set up a vending machine


Verkaufsautomat für regionale Produkte

Vending machines can complement retail. But there are a few things to consider before a vending machine is allowed to offer goods. Our start-up team can explain.