Assistance with living expenses
Are you unable to cover your living expenses from your own financial resources? Under certain conditions, you can apply for financial support.
These financial benefits are possible:
- relevant standard benefit
- reasonable costs for accommodation and heating
- additional needs if necessary (e.g. for food)
- additional, legally defined needs (one-off needs)
Special contact points
- Deaf residents of Munich should contact the Social Service for the Deaf.
- Munich residents without their own home should contact the Central Assistance Centre for the Homeless.
People who are able to work or who are permanently fully disabled or have reached the age limit between 65 and 67 cannot receive assistance with living expenses. The following benefits are available for them:
- for persons capable of work: Citizen's allowance
- for persons with a permanent full reduction in earning capacity and for persons who have reached the age limit: Basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
Persons who are not permanently fully incapacitated for work and cannot support themselves from their own income or assets.
Required documents
- Identity card or passport
- Proof of
- Income
- Assets
- Accommodation costs
Questions & Answers
Full reduction in earning capacity within the meaning of the statutory pension insurance exists if the earning capacity is less than three hours a day under the general conditions of the labour market for an unforeseeable period of time due to illness or disability.
The benefits and conditions are almost identical. You can find out everything else about this at your social welfare centre.
People who are not permanently unable to work receive assistance towards living expenses. This includes, for example, people who receive a temporary disability pension. Persons who are permanently unable to work or who have reached the age limit in accordance with § 41 Para. 2 SGB XII (identical to the age of entry for an old-age pension) receive basic income support.
An entitlement to assistance with living expenses exists if the following asset allowances are not exceeded with the existing assets (savings, shares, property, etc.):
- 10.000 euros for each adult or single minor
- 500 euros for all other persons