Dental home visits for the elderly and people in need of care

If you are unable to visit a dental practice due to personal restrictions, you can arrange a home visit.


In order to improve dental care for elderly Munich residents or those in need of care, the City of Munich, in cooperation with the project organiser "Teamwerk - Dentistry for people in need of care and people with disabilities", has launched a dental home visit service. The spectrum ranges from prophylaxis to treatment for toothache, inflamed gums or loose dentures.


Home visits by dentists can be offered if a visit to the practice is not possible or only possible with great effort due to personal restrictions.

In addition, at least one of the following criteria must be met

  • Classification in a care degree according to §15 SGB XI
  • Integration assistance according to §99 SGB IX

When requesting a dental visit, Teamwerk asks whether the requirements are met.

Duration & Costs


The service is billed to the health insurance company within the statutory framework. There are no extra costs for the visit.

Teamwerk - Zahnmedizin für Pflegebedürftige und Menschen mit Behinderungen

Postal address

Fax: +49 89 2102456125


Sanatoriumsplatz 2
81545 München

Telephone hours for registration:

Monday to Thursday from 09.00 to 14.00

Related services

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Household help

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Advice from the Munich counselling associations

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Counselling centres for older people and relatives

Are you an older person or a person in need of care looking for support? Would you like advice as a relative or carer? These centres can help.

Home visits by occupational therapists - THEA mobil

If you suffer from a chronic illness and need occupational therapy but find it too difficult to go to a practice, you can arrange a home visit.

Notarisation of a care directive

If you want to specify who should take over legal care for you if necessary, you need a care directive, which we can notarise on request.

Assistance for the elderly: subsidies for travel costs, telephone, home emergency call

The elderly care service supports senior citizens with travel allowances, telephone assistance and home emergency call systems.

Assistance in senior living facilities

If you need to move to an assisted living facility for health reasons, the Social Security Office can help you.

Subsidy for meals on wheels/ social lunches

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Old people's and service centres (ASZ)

The centres for the elderly and service centres offer local advice and practical help for older people and their relatives.