Coffin burial

The municipal cemeteries offer coffin or earth burial. We discuss dates and details personally with the client.


The coffin or earth burial, together with the urn burial, is the actual service offered by Munich Municipal Cemeteries as part of the funeral service.

The details, in particular the date, are agreed between Munich Municipal Cemeteries and the person ordering the funeral.

The coffin burial is organised as follows:

  • Laying out the coffin
  • Provision of the coffin in the funeral hall for the subsequent funeral service
  • Funeral service or blessing
  • Transport of the coffin in the funeral cortege from the funeral hall to the grave
  • Placing the coffin over the open grave
  • Accompanying the religious ceremony
  • Lowering the coffin
  • Looking after the relatives during the final ceremony (condolences, etc.)
  • Farewell

Duration & Costs


On average 1500 euros

Payment methods available

Landeshauptstadt München

Städtische Friedhöfe München
Betrieb Friedhöfe, Krematorium und Grabmalbüro


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Städtische Friedhöfe München
Betrieb Friedhöfe, Krematorium und Grabmalbüro

Damenstiftstraße 8
80331 München

Fax: +49 89 23199209


Damenstiftstraße 8
80331 München

Monday - Thursday 8.00 - 12.00, 13.00 - 16.00
Friday 8.00 - 15.00

Appointments outside opening hours and on weekends or public holidays must be arranged separately.


  • Not available:Barrier-free access
  • Not available:Disabled parking

Wheelchairs are available on request for people with mobility impairments.

Related services

Burial ex officio

Deceased persons for whom no burial order is issued are buried ex officio.

Burial under trees

Urn burial plots under trees are offered in selected near-natural burial plots in the forest cemetery.

Anonymous burial

In the anonymous burial ground at the Waldfriedhof cemetery, urns are buried anonymously outside cemetery opening hours and without relatives.

Conclusion of a funeral contract

We offer the complete organisation of a funeral or repatriation. Our services correspond to those of private funeral parlours.

Burial of foetuses and stillborn children

At the Waldfriedhof cemetery, parents of stillborn children and foetuses have the opportunity to have their children buried in a communal area.

Death certificate in the event of death abroad

If German nationals have died abroad, you as a relative can have the death certified in Germany.

Urn burial

The urn burial, together with the coffin or burial in the ground, is the service offered by Munich Municipal Cemeteries in the funeral business.

Burial in the hedge gardens

The "Heckengärten" at the Perlacher Forst cemetery is the first maintenance-free communal burial ground where coffins and urns can be buried together.

Assumption of funeral costs

In Germany, relatives of deceased persons must make funeral arrangements. In some cases, the Office for Social Security covers the costs.