Search for a daycare centre place in kita finder+
If you are looking for a childcare place in a daycare centre, you can register your child via kita finder+.
You can apply for a childcare place via the kita finder+ or at the local daycare centre of your choice. All crèches, kindergartens, after-school care centres and houses for children run by the city are represented in kita-finder+. Day care centres run by other providers do not have to register in kita finder+. If you cannot find your desired facility here, please contact the respective daycare centre directly.
Waiting list and allocation of places
You can register your child in several daycare centres in kita finder+. By registering, you place your child on a waiting list for the respective daycare centre. For children up to the age of six, you can also mark a centre as "preferred". This selection will be taken into account as far as possible when allocating places at municipal and other participating daycare centres. However, this does not mean that you are entitled to a place in the daycare centre of your choice.
Explanatory videos
Search for a daycare centre in kita finder+ and register your child
Please register your child by 13 March 2024 at the latest at the daycare facilities that suit you. (Deadline for the first allocation of places)
Parents must prove that their children have received the vaccinations against measles recommended by the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) before entering the day-care centre. Unvaccinated children may be excluded from attending a day care centre. Children under the age of one do not have to provide proof of immunisation. Children over the age of one must provide proof of at least one measles immunisation (or immunity against measles). From the age of two, full measles protection (two immunisations) must be proven.
Required documents
To register at the daycare centre, you must first create a personal user account in kita finder+. Please have the most important information about yourself and your child ready.
To provide proof of the measles vaccination, you must submit the following to the centre management before the start of care
- yellow child examination booklet or vaccination card or
- a medical certificate stating that your child is immune to measles or that your child cannot be vaccinated due to a medical contraindication or
- a confirmation from the previous institution that proof has already been provided

Referat für Bildung und Sport
Geschäftsbereich KITA
Postal address
Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Bildung und Sport
Geschäftsbereich KITA
Bayerstraße 28
80335 München
Fax: +49 89 233-84207
Landsberger Straße 30
80339 München