Reporting of rats

Rats transmit infectious diseases and are combated as "health pests" in accordance with infection control legislation. We accept reports in this regard.


Rats transmit infectious diseases and are therefore treated as "pests of health" in accordance with infection control legislation.

Owners or authorised users of properties and areas where rats occur are required - regardless of the origin of the animals - to carry out suitable control measures or have them carried out by specialist companies.

In the case of public properties under the administration of the City of Munich, the relevant specialist departments of the city administration are notified internally and then commission suitable specialist companies.

Required documents

In the case of reports, the data of the person making the report (name, callback number during the day) and, if possible, precise details of the place and time of the observations are required

Duration & Costs

Processing time

The first inspection of the reported area usually takes place within a week. The duration of a control campaign until its completion depends on the severity of the infestation and the degree of control success.


Free of charge; costs for rat control measures on private property must be borne by the respective owners and authorised users themselves.

Questions & Answers

Can neglected or littered properties also be reported?
Neglected or littered private properties can be reported by e-mail to Contamination and waste on municipal property should be reported via the Rein & Sauber service telephone 089 - 233 96296 or by e-mail to

Can infestations caused by other rodents such as mice be reported?
No, only reports of rat infestations are accepted.

How do I dispose of my waste correctly?
Only dispose of waste in the designated waste bins - never next to them. Store rubbish bags with food waste or unclean packaging out of reach of rats until the regular collection. Always keep waste bins tightly closed. Have defective waste bins repaired or replaced. Compost bins in the garden should also be kept closed if necessary.

How do I dispose of food waste?
Dispose of food waste in the organic waste bin, not in the compost or in the toilet. Commercial businesses require a separate food waste bin for food waste. Food waste of commercial origin may not be disposed of in the municipal organic waste bin. Further information on this can be found on the"Food waste disposal" page of the Munich waste management company.

What happens if rats have taken up residence in my rubbish bins?
Waste bin locations/garbage bins that are proven to be inhabited by rats may not be removed from their locations by the employees of Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb München due to the health risks posed by the rats. They must then be placed at the roadside themselves (so-called self-provision).

what must be observed when feeding (domestic) animals?
Do not leave food sources intended for pets unchecked. Pay attention to hygiene and cleanliness in your living environment. Do not feed animals in parks, green spaces or public places (especially pigeons, ducks or squirrels). Any leftovers are a favourite food for rats.

Legal basis

§ 16 Infection Protection Act

Landeshauptstadt München

Geschäftsbereich Recht und Kreisverwaltungsaufgaben
Abteilung Kreisverwaltungsaufgaben


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Geschäftsbereich Recht und Kreisverwaltungsaufgaben
Abteilung Kreisverwaltungsaufgaben

Schwanthalerstraße 69
80336 München

Fax: +49 89 233-66953


Schwanthalerstraße 69
80336 München

Related services

Violation of the ban on feeding pigeons

Feeding urban pigeons (feral domestic pigeons) is prohibited in the city of Munich. You can report offences against the feeding ban to us.

Disposal of animal carcasses

If you find a stray dead animal on public property, please inform the collection service of the Munich waste management company.

Wildlife and hunting in the city

Numerous wild animal species live in the city. As humans and wild animals have to share the same habitat, problems can arise.

Vermin in a food business

If you notice a pest infestation in your food business, you will find the right contacts here.

Advice and information on urban pigeons

Pigeon feeding ban, help with pigeons on balconies and terraces, health hazards - we provide advice and information on all questions relating to pigeons in Munich.

Notification of ragweed infestation

Anyone who spots ragweed in Munich, which has an allergenic effect on humans, can report this to the city.

Notification of an animal welfare incident

If you suspect that animal welfare or animal health regulations are being violated, you can report this here.