Registration of a marriage with a foreign connection
If you want to get married, you must register this in advance at the relevant registry office. If you have a foreign connection, this must be taken into account.
According to German law, marriage is a permanent cohabitation between two people. The decision to join one's life with another person through marriage is based on the free decision of each individual. Both future spouses must be of legal age and legally competent. They must not be too closely related or live in an existing marriage or registered civil partnership.
If neither of you has a so-called foreign connection, please refer to the information on the " Registering a marriage" page.
"Foreign connection" means that one or both of you is a foreign national, was born abroad, had a previous marriage/partnership abroad or was divorced abroad. In this case, the regulations of the other country must also be taken into account, as well as which documents can be obtained from the respective country. This is therefore different for every couple.
Please book an appointment, this can be booked up to 3 months in advance. You must attend the relevant registry office together with all the necessary documents. If you do not speak German well, please bring a publicly appointed and sworn translator with you.
Required documents
first you need a personalised information sheet about the necessary documents. You will have to pay a fee for this. If you register the marriage later, this fee will be credited to you.
Only when you have received the information and collected all the documents can you book an appointment with us to register the marriage.