District social work (BSA)
We provide you with counselling and support in difficult personal or financial situations. We provide help and contacts.
District social work (BSA) offers services in many social areas, provides help and averts dangers.
You will find your contacts in the social centres.
We also arrange help for you
- in personal and financial emergencies
- for family and partner conflicts
- for difficulties in caring for and bringing up children
- for questions about separation or divorce and custody arrangements
- housing problems and the threat of homelessness
- in life crises and psychological stress
- for social problems as a result of old age or illness
- for the care of families in emergency situations
- for debt counselling and voluntary benefits
We are a contact point
- for children, young people and adults in cases of violence, endangerment and neglect and initiate appropriate protective measures.
We also act on the initiative of third parties, make home visits and work together with schools and other institutions and authorities as required.