Death certificate

The registry office issues death certificates after a death. As a rule, the appointed funeral parlour takes care of registering the death.


We issue death certificates on request after a recent death. The prerequisite is that the death took place in Munich within our area of responsibility.

For deaths that occurred in the area of responsibility of the Munich-Pasing registry office (Munich-Pasing hospital and retirement homes in districts 21, 22, 23), please contact: Registry Office Munich-Pasing - Landsberger Straße 486, 81241 Munich, Telephone: 089/233-37248.

We issue death certificates after a death in our area of responsibility. The funeral parlour that you instruct to handle the funeral will take care of registering the death. Once the notarisation has been completed, you will receive the ordered death certificates from the funeral home.


The death must be reported to the registry office. If the death occurred in a hospital, retirement home or nursing home, this institution is obliged to report the death. In the event of a death at home, the death must be reported by a person who is aware of the death. If a funeral parlour is commissioned, it will take care of all the formalities.

In addition to the notification of death and the medical certificate of death, the registry office requires supporting documents for all personal details of the deceased person (see "Required documents").

The death is recorded in the death register. Death certificates are issued on request on the basis of the data entered in the death register.

Required documents

We require all documents in the original. We require foreign-language documents in international form or translated by a sworn translator.

These documents are always required

  • Medical death certificate, confidential and non-confidential part
  • Passport/identity card for foreign nationals

Special cases

  • If the death occurred in a hospital/clinic, a retirement or nursing home or a hospice, we require a written notification of death from the facility in question.
  • If the death occurred at home, we require written notification of death from the authorised funeral home.
  • If the manner of death is undetermined or not natural, we require a written notification of death from the specialised criminal investigation department.
  • If your last place of residence was not in Germany, we require proof of your last place of residence.

Further documents

  • If you are single, i.e. you have never been married or lived in a registered civil partnership, we will need your birth certificate.
  • If you are married or living in a registered civil partnership, we need your marriage certificate/ civil partnership certificate with your current name.
  • If you are widowed or your civil partnership has been dissolved by death, we need your marriage certificate/ civil partnership certificate with current name and death certificate of the first deceased person.
  • If you have been divorced/your civil partnership has been dissolved by a court judgement, we will need your marriage certificate/ civil partnership certificate with your current name and the court judgement on the divorce/dissolution with a note of legal effect.
  • If the current name no longer matches the documents submitted,we require proof of the name change, e.g. name change certificate, name declaration certificate, registration certificate.

Please note

  • Further documents may be required if the deceased person was born abroad or married abroad. We will be happy to advise you.
  • A divorce that took place abroad may not be immediately effective in Germany. In this case, a recognition procedure by the state justice administration may first be necessary. We will be happy to advise you on how to proceed.
  • We may request the submission of further documents if this is necessary to prove the information provided.
  • If you are asked by the funeral parlour on behalf of the registry office to submit further documents and you are not sure whether you have the correct documents, you can use the contact form. This will allow you to clarify which documents you may still need to obtain and submit in the original.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

The death can be notarised as soon as the registry office has received all the necessary documents. The requested death certificates are then issued.


  • For health insurance and pension purposes: 1 free certificate each
  • Death certificates for private use: 12 euros
  • Certificates of deferral of notarisation: 12 euros

Payment methods available

Questions & Answers

Please refrain from doing so. We can only start processing the documents once we have received all parts of the original medical death certificate.

As a rule, we can issue German and multilingual death certificates as well as notarised printouts from the death register. You can find more information on this in our certificate ordering service.

The administration of the Munich Municipal Cemeteries can answer any questions you may have about the location of a grave.

An apostille is an additional notarisation endorsement that is intended exclusively for presentation to foreign authorities. If you need an apostille on a certificate, please contact the following office:

Government of Upper Bavaria
SG 11 - Notarisation office
80534 Munich

Please only use the official certificate service for this.

Please send written requests by post directly to the responsible registry office in Munich, Ruppertstr. 11, 80466 Munich or to the registry office in Munich Pasing, Landsberger Str. 486, 81241 Munich.

Please contact us using our contact form.

Unfortunately, registry offices cannot provide information on probate proceedings. Please contact the probate court only:

Munich Local Court
Probate department
80315 Munich

Please refer to our website, section "Required documents", to find out which documents are required in your case of bereavement. Please submit these documents together to your appointed funeral parlour.

Please contact your chosen funeral parlour and refer to the information sheet "Information on repatriations abroad".

The death can only be notarised once all the necessary documents and evidence have been submitted. We endeavour to process deaths within five working days as a rule.

Please contact a funeral parlour of your choice. Funeral directors take care of all the tasks and help the bereaved with many decisions.

After notarising the death, the registry office informs the offices listed in § 60 of the Civil Status Ordinance, including the residents' registration office, the Munich probate court and the Kaufbeuren tax office. All other authorities, such as health insurance, pension insurance, banks and others, must be informed by the surviving dependants themselves.

No, as a rule your appointed funeral parlour will take care of this.

You have applied for death certificates via the funeral parlour for the first time. We will issue the certificates and give them to the funeral parlour for forwarding to the next of kin.

You will receive further information on the collection of the body exclusively from the institute in whose favour the body donation was made. Please contact us directly for the issue of death certificates.

Please contact a funeral parlour of your choice. They will be able to provide you with further information about the possible types of burial.

Death certificates cost 12 euros each. We issue certificates for submission to social insurance (statutory pension and health insurance) free of charge.

Please contact the Citizens Office. The colleagues will note the death of the deceased person in the population register and also inform the competent local court of the death. To do this, you will need the original death certificate in international form or together with a translation into German.

Related services

Urn burial

The urn burial, together with the coffin or burial in the ground, is the service offered by Munich Municipal Cemeteries in the funeral business.

Anonymous burial

In the anonymous burial ground at the Waldfriedhof cemetery, urns are buried anonymously outside cemetery opening hours and without relatives.

Death certificate in the event of death abroad

If German nationals have died abroad, you as a relative can have the death certified in Germany.

Conclusion of a funeral contract

We offer the complete organisation of a funeral or repatriation. Our services correspond to those of private funeral parlours.

Burial of foetuses and stillborn children

At the Waldfriedhof cemetery, parents of stillborn children and foetuses have the opportunity to have their children buried in a communal area.

Coffin burial

The municipal cemeteries offer coffin or earth burial. We discuss dates and details personally with the client.

Assumption of funeral costs

In Germany, relatives of deceased persons must make funeral arrangements. In some cases, the Office for Social Security covers the costs.

Burial ex officio

Deceased persons for whom no burial order is issued are buried ex officio.

Burial under trees

Urn burial plots under trees are offered in selected near-natural burial plots in the forest cemetery.

Burial in family graves

Two coffins or up to eight urns can be buried in burial plots, and up to six urns in urn burial plots.