Advice on child day care

Are you looking for a childcare place for your child? We will be happy to advise you on child day care in your own home (colloquially known as a childminder).


In home-based childcare, qualified childminders look after up to five children in their own home. The service is mainly for children aged between zero and three, although some childminders also offer care for children aged three and over.

The child day care counselling service at theSozialbürgerhäuserwill be happy to answer any questions you may have about child day care in your own home, such as settling in, childcare times and daily routines.

Child day care is a small component in the overall range of child day care services in Munich.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

For advice on child day care, please contact the social centre responsible for your district by telephone during opening hours.


Counselling is free of charge.

Questions & Answers

  1. Can I enquire about available places at the child day care advice centre?
    As a rule, day carers allocate their places themselves. Only suitable places that are currently available are announced via the child day care counselling service.
  2. Can a list of day carers be published and can parents make a reservation for a childcare place?
    For data protection reasons, it is not possible to publish a list of day carers. Parents can also not make a reservation for a childcare place with a childminder during the childminding counselling service.

  3. Where else can I enquire about available places with childminders?

    You can find more childcare options in kita finder+.
    You can also obtain information from private initiatives such as pme Familienservice, the Tageselternverein or R.U.F.
    Comprehensive information is available from the parent counselling centre of the Department of Education and Sport
    Please remember, if you find an offer from a childminder on the internet, to ask for a valid care licence.
  4. I only want childcare for a few hours a week, is that possible?
    Childminders in your own household are self-employed and determine in their concept to what extent they provide care. When you first contact the carer, find out whether a shorter period of care is possible. As a general rule, the minimum care time in child day care is 10 hours per week. Childcare for just a few hours is also possible in playgroups.

  5. For which age group are places offered in child day care?
    Most places are offered for crèche children. There are only a small number of places available for nursery and after-school children.

  6. What qualifications must childminders have in their own household?
    You can find information on the requirements and qualifications of childminders at

  7. What are the tasks of the socio-educational specialists at the Child Day Care Centre in the City Youth Welfare Office / Sozialbürgerhaus?
    The socio-educational specialists at the child day care centre are responsible for advising parents and for applications for child day care places.
    Even if your child is already being looked after in a day care centre, you can contact the staff at the Sozialbürgerhaus if you have any questions.

    The socio-educational specialists are also responsible for checking, authorising and advising childminders.

  8. What is a childcare agreement and where can I get the contract?
    The childcare agreement is a contract under private law between the parents and the childminder and is handed over to the parents by the socio-educational specialists at the relevant social centre.

  9. What criteria are important when choosing a childminder?
    Before you decide to have your child looked after by a childminder, you should clarify certain questions for yourself and with the childminder in advance and ask questions if necessary, such as
    For how long and to what extent do I need a childcare place?
    Is it in the neighbourhood? Can I get there easily?
    Do I like the room layout and the choice of play materials?
    How does the childminder interact with the children?
    How does the childminder organise the daily routine and the acclimatisation of new children?
    Do I like the childminder?
    Do I have the impression that my child can feel comfortable with the childminder and that they also cater for special needs (such as allergies, sleeping habits)?

Related services

Search for a daycare centre place in kita finder+

If you are looking for a childcare place in a daycare centre, you can register your child via kita finder+.

Subsidy towards parental contributions for private daycare centres

If you are unable to pay the costs for a private daycare centre or lunchtime supervision in the current daycare year, you can apply for a subsidy.

Reduced fees for municipal daycare centres

If your child attends a municipal day care centre, you can apply for a reduction in day care centre fees under certain conditions.

Assumption of day-care centre costs

If you would like to apply to have your daycare centre costs covered for the 2024/2025 daycare year, we will support you with the application process.

Parental counselling on childcare

If you are looking for childcare for your child up to the age of ten, we can advise you free of charge on the various options available in Munich.