Promotion of climate-neutral buildings (FKG)

If you are planning to improve the energy efficiency of your building, you can apply for a subsidy.


The aim of the "Climate-neutral buildings" (FKG) funding programme of the City of Munich is to promote structural and energy-related measures to reduce greenhouse gases.

The following structural and technical measures can currently be applied for:

  1. Individual measures - efficiency measures (BEG-linked)
    1. Insulation of the building envelope
    2. Replacement of windows, exterior doors
    3. Air conditioning systems with heat/cold recovery
    4. Digital systems for optimising operation and consumption, grid serviceability of technical systems in residential buildings "Efficiency Smart Home"
    5. Heating optimisation
  2. Individual measures - heating replacement (BEG-coupled)
    1. Solar thermal systems
    2. electrically driven heat pumps
    3. Building network and connection to a building network or heating network
  3. Refurbishment standards (BEG-linked)
    1. Efficiency house in existing buildings
  4. Climate-friendly building standards
    1. refurbishment with life cycle greenhouse gas balance
  5. Photovoltaics
    1. photovoltaic consulting
    2. tenant electricity models
    3. plug-in solar devices
  6. Consultancy and preliminary planning services for building and heating networks APPLICATION POSSIBLE FROM JUNE 2025

Bonus measures

Detailed information on the eligible measures can be found on the respective subpages. Select the desired measures in the selection menu below.

If you have any questions about the "Climate-neutral buildings" funding programme, you can contact the relevant team at We will usually answer your questions by e-mail within one to two working days.

Changes according to the city council resolution of 18/12/2024

The funding for "photovoltaic systems" and "new construction with life cycle greenhouse gas balance" is suspended. Applications already submitted remain valid.


All binding information can be found in the directive.

Here is the most important information in brief:

  • Funding is only possible for buildings within the city limits of the City of Munich.
  • The applicant is responsible for the investment costs. This means that all orders, invoices, etc. must be issued to the applicant and paid from their bank account. The funding amount is paid out exclusively to the applicant's bank account.
  • The principle of "funding application before order" is mandatory for the application.
    No contract for the measure may have been awarded yet. If an order has been placed with the companies carrying out the construction work or the consultants for which the application is to be submitted, this will prevent FKG funding!
  • Building owners and equivalent persons, e.g. usufructuaries, are eligible to apply. Further information on the group of applicants can be found under "Questions and answers".
  • The application must be submitted exclusively online in the municipal funding portal.

Required documents

No documents are required when submitting the application.

After completion of the measure(s), the required documents must be uploaded to the funding portal. The required documents are listed on the respective subpages. To do this, select the funding measure relevant to you from the selection menu below.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

The procedure is described in detail in the guidelines.

Here are the most important points in brief:

After submitting your application, you will receive two notifications in the funding portal. The first with the subject "Application received", the second with the subject "The measure(s) applied for may be commissioned". Only after receiving the second notification may the measure applied for be implemented, i.e. only then may you commission the companies carrying out the work and, if applicable, the energy consultant for the specialised energy planning and construction supervision or purchase materials or equipment.

The construction measures applied for must be completed and the documents (proof of utilisation) uploaded within a certain period of time. An extension of the deadline can be applied for online via the funding portal for certain funding measures. The deadline regulations are described in the respective subpages. To do this, select the relevant funding measure in the selection menu below.

Applications are processed in the order in which the utilisation references are received. If it is determined during the review that documents are missing or requirements have not been met, there is the possibility of rectification. In this case, you will receive a message via the funding portal with a request to upload the necessary evidence within a reasonable period of time.

Information on current processing times can be found on the respective subpages.

Once the review of an application has been completed, a notification will be issued. The funding will be paid out eight to ten weeks after receipt of the funding notification.



Questions & Answers

locations from postcode 80331 to postcode 81929 are part of the city of Munich.

First you have to register on the funding portal. After registering, you can log in to the funding portal and submit an application.

By clicking on the "Check application" button, the application will be checked for formal correctness. You can then send the application to the funding agency by clicking on the "Submit application" button. You will immediately receive a confirmation of receipt in your e-mail inbox and receive the relevant information via a message in your personal area on the funding portal.

You may only award contracts after the application has been submitted. As soon as you have submitted the application online, you will receive a message in your personal area of the funding portal as confirmation of receipt. The system automatically checks your application for formal correctness and reserves the funding for you. You will then receive a second message in your personal area of the funding portal with the subject "The measure(s) applied for may be commissioned".

After receiving this message, you can start with the measures.

the application date is the date of the online confirmation of receipt. You will find this in your personal area on the funding portal after you have submitted the application online.

the Bauzentrum München offers free half-hour consultations on many topics relating to living, building and renovation. You can find a brief portrait of the voluntary advisors with their qualifications and the advice they offer on the Bauzentrum Münchenwebsite .

the guideline that was valid at the time of application always applies. You can find all policy versions in the policy history.

no. The person submitting the application must be the investment sponsor, i.e. the invoice recipient. If an invoice has been issued to the spouse, we offer the option of having the invoice rewritten. The prerequisite in this case is that the invoice was paid from a joint account. Your spouse can be on the invoice, but you as the applicant must be on the invoice.

When you log in to the funding portal, you will be taken to the "My funding projects" page with a "Project overview". The applications you have created are displayed there. On the far right you will find the "Status" column.

Draft" status means that the application has not yet been submitted. You can still revise it and then submit it.

Status "Funds committed" means that you have successfully submitted the application to us and it is now suspended until you notify us that the measures have been completed by uploading the required documents (invoices etc.) as proof of utilisation.

Status "Completed" means that you have notified us that the measures applied for have been completed by uploading documents (proof of use has been submitted). The application is now waiting for the documents to be technically checked. You do not need to do anything else here. If documents are missing, you will receive a message via the funding portal requesting you to upload the missing documents within a certain period of time.

The status "Settled" means that the documents have been checked and the notification has been issued. It may take a few days for the notification to be sent to you by post. The funding will be paid out 8-10 weeks after the date of the funding decision.

After logging into the funding portal, select your application in the "Project overview" and find the "Request deadline extension" button under "Other actions".

Note: the deadline and a possible deadline extension varies depending on the funding measure in the FKG. Please refer to the website of the funding programme or the guidelines for information on the deadlines.

Landeshauptstadt München

Referat für Klima- und Umweltschutz
Sachgebiet Förderprogramm Klimaneutrale Gebäude

Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Klima- und Umweltschutz
Sachgebiet Förderprogramm Klimaneutrale Gebäude

Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München


Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München