Home visits by occupational therapists - THEA mobil

If you suffer from a chronic illness and need occupational therapy but find it too difficult to go to a practice, you can arrange a home visit.


"THEA mobil - therapy and help in everyday life for older people" is an outreach therapy programme for people aged 60 and over who live in Munich. It helps to maintain and improve the everyday skills of older people through occupational therapy training at home. In addition, the occupational therapists also arrange and coordinate other necessary assistance in outpatient home care for older people, such as medical, nursing and speech therapy care or meals on wheels.

THEA mobil is a care programme offered by four facilities and supported by the state capital with funding. Some of the centres have different target groups and treatment focuses, which you can read about on their websites.

The therapies and assistance take place in the home and in the home environment.

The services provided by "THEA mobil" include, for example

  • Training and promotion of activities of daily living (washing, dressing, mobility training, motor-functional training)
  • Promotion of cognitive performance (memory, orientation, concentration, attention)
  • Intensive outpatient support for adults with particularly high support needs due to acquired brain damage
  • Counselling, adaptation and training of mobility aids and other aids
  • Advice on adapting housing
  • Determination of support needs and organisation of necessary assistance



You talk to your GP about the THEA mobil programme.

  • If your GP is in favour of THEA mobil, he or she will issue a prescription for the provision of therapeutic aids.
  • You contact one of the facilities that offers THEA mobil.
  • The occupational therapist will arrange appointments with you for therapy at home.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

Treatments last between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on the therapy sessions. On average, one to two therapy sessions are offered per week. In the case of intensive outpatient support (for example following a craniocerebral injury or stroke), the average duration of treatment is correspondingly higher, at eight to twelve hours per week.


The service is billed to the health insurance company within the statutory framework.

Mutabor e.V.
Ambulante Intensivförderung

Postal address

Fax: 089 2022650


Corneliusstraße 26
80469 München

Lagehinweis: Rückgebäude

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