Registration of outpatient care services

Anyone who provides or offers reserved activities in care in return for payment must notify the responsible health authority immediately.


Outpatient care services in the city of Munich must be reported immediately to the responsible health authority (in the city of Munich: Health Department, Department of Hygiene and Environmental Medicine).

A confirmation of registration will be issued on request.

Required documents

  • Valid identification document
  • Licence certificate (geriatric nurse, nurse, healthcare and nursing assistant, etc.) in the original or as a certified copy

For nursing assistants without a health professional title (= not in possession of a licence certificate):

  • Original "Description of professional training" form (see forms / downloads)

Duration & Costs

Processing time

45 minutes


Registration confirmation 18,-- Euro.

Payment methods available

Legal basis

Art. 16 Health Services Act (GDG) - Reserved activities in nursing care

Landeshauptstadt München

Hygiene und Umweltmedizin


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hygiene und Umweltmedizin

Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München

Fax: +49 89 233-47863


Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München

Room: 2041

E-mail address:

Party traffic is conducted exclusively by telephone appointment.

Related services

Promotion of in-house day care

As a full inpatient care facility, you can receive a personnel cost subsidy for a specialist for in-house day care in accordance with the guidelines.

Investment support for day-care centres

Suspension of investment funding for applications from January 2025

Start-up funding for innovative outpatient care services

Projects for residential care communities, residential groups for people with disabilities and innovative forms of care are financially supported in the start-up phase.

Promotion of further and advanced training (outpatient and day care)

As an outpatient or day-care facility, you can receive funding for supervision, further education and training.

Investment support for full inpatient/short-term care

As a full inpatient facility or short-term care facility, you can receive investment funding for new construction, conversion and modernisation measures.

Investment support for outpatient care services

As an outpatient care service, you can receive investment support in accordance with the guidelines and the budget funds available.

Promotion of further and advanced training (inpatient care)

As a fully inpatient care facility, you can receive funding for supervision, further education and training.

Promotion of care transition

Termination of the "Promotion of care transition" programme on 31.12.2024.

Promotion of intercultural openness in care for the elderly

As an organisation providing open support for the elderly, you can receive funding for further training and workshops on intercultural openness (IKÖ).