Promotion of intercultural openness in care for the elderly
As an organisation providing open support for the elderly, you can receive funding for further training and workshops on intercultural openness (IKÖ).
Training courses and workshops (points 2 and 3) that are necessary for the further development of intercultural openness, the promotion of intercultural quality and, in particular, the expansion of intercultural networking in the neighbourhood and cooperation with migrant self-organisations and communities are eligible for funding within the meaning of the guidelines.
The funding areas are reviewed and redefined annually. All measures are also eligible for funding as online seminars.
The following topics, for example, are eligible for funding
- Intercultural opening and quality development
- Specialist topics in connection with intercultural openness
- Critical reflection on existing services and expansion of services
- Other topics in consultation with the Intercultural Elderly Care and Long-Term Care Centre
The funding will only be paid out after the measure has been implemented and the complete documentation has been submitted.
Information on the funding requirements, type and scope of funding, eligibility and application procedure can be found in the guidelines for the funding of training courses and workshops for open care for the elderly.
All organisations and facilities providing open care for the elderly that are funded by the City of Munich's Department of Social Welfare, Office for Social Security, Department for Care and Assistance for the Elderly and provide their services in the city of Munich are eligible.
Applications (with original signature) and the necessary supporting documents must be received by the City of Munich in writing (by post or fax) before the start of the programme in the current calendar year.
Required documents
- Application for funding for workshops and training courses
- Proof of qualification for freelance lecturers and trainers (profile sheet)
- Application for payment for further training measures and workshops
- Copy(s) of the invoice(s) from the educational institution(s) or freelance lecturer(s)
- List of participants
Altenhilfe und Pflege
Postal address
Landeshauptstadt München
Altenhilfe und Pflege
Sankt-Martin-Straße 53
81669 München
Sankt-Martin-Straße 53
81669 München