Noise nuisance or disturbance of the peace

Do you feel disturbed by noise in the neighbourhood? If the noise is caused privately, you can file a complaint with us.


There are various regulations and responsibilities on the subject of noise. You can find an overview on the information pages of the Department for Climate and Environmental Protection.

Noise pollution from neighbours is a frequent problem.

  • In order to avoid disturbances caused by neighbourhood noise (music, housework, gardening), the City of Munich has issued an ordinance regulating quiet periods. The Domestic Work and Music Noise Ordinance generally stipulates a night-time quiet period between 10 pm and 7 am and a midday quiet period between 12 pm and 3 pm for domestic and gardening work that disturbs the peace. Further details and exceptions can be found in the ordinance (available for download).
  • If you wish to report serious or persistent violations of this ordinance, you can contact the fines office in the district administration department, which will examine the facts of the case and hear all those affected before making a decision on a possible fine.

If immediate action is required, you must contact the police.


Reports can only be accepted and processed if the person making the report is known by name.

Please note that you must provide witnesses when reporting noise nuisance/disturbance caused by neighbourhood noise. Suitable witnesses are neighbours. They must also have been significantly disturbed by the noise at the time of the offence. Persons who were in your home are not suitable witnesses. You and the witnesses must testify at a possible hearing before the local court.

Duration & Costs


Free of charge

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung I Sicherheit und Ordnung, Prävention
Sicherheits- und Ordnungsrecht


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung I Sicherheit und Ordnung, Prävention
Sicherheits- und Ordnungsrecht

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München

Fax: +49 89 233-24905


Implerstraße 13
81371 München

Lagehinweis: Eingang C

Contact us in writing

Related services

Reporting litter on streets, squares, footpaths and cycle paths

Have you found rubbish in public spaces, i.e. on roads, squares, footpaths, cycle paths or grass verges? Report the litter to us!

Complaint about construction noise

Noise, dust, vibrations and traffic obstructions are a regular occurrence throughout the city.

Contaminated or damaged wells

If you have any questions about municipal fountains or wish to report technical problems and faults, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Report political posters

If you see unauthorised or traffic-endangering political posters in the city area, you can report them here.

Notification of irregularities under waste legislation

If you notice that waste (including scrap motor vehicles) is being handled, stored or deposited in an unauthorised manner, please report this to the environmental authority.

Complaint about food or hygiene deficiencies

Food monitoring relies on information from the public for its work. Do you want to complain about food or hygiene deficiencies?