Warning and fine proceedings in road traffic
Traffic control monitors compliance with parking regulations and speed limits in 30 km/h zones.
The surveillance areas were defined in cooperation with the police.
Outside the defined surveillance areas, only the police carry out surveillance.
In the case of parking offences and minor speeding offences, you will first receive a warning (a ticket on your car or a letter of hearing).
If you pay the warning fine within the set period of one week, this ends the proceedings.
If you pay the fine too late or not at all, or if a mistake is made unnoticed during payment (wrong amount, wrong account number, missing reason for payment), you will automatically receive a fine notice after a few weeks.
Please always state the 13-digit procedure number correctly when transferring money!
Objections to the fine
If you do not agree with the warning and have a well-founded objection, you can submit your objection within one week by letter, fax or e-mail or visit us in person and place your objection on record. However, we cannot accept your objections by telephone.
Fine proceedings
You will receive a fine notice with corresponding additional costs (fees and expenses in accordance with Section 107 of the Administrative Offences Act)
- if you have not paid a warning
- if your objections to the warning could not be accepted
- generally for offences with a fine of 55 euros or more (without prior warning)
you must pay the fine within four weeks.
Appeal against the fine notice
You have two weeks to lodge an objection to the fine notice. To lodge an appeal, you can send a letter or fax, come in person or give your reasons by telephone. Please note the information on legal remedies on the back of the fine notice.
In the so-called appeal procedure, we will examine the reasons you have given and decide whether the fine can be cancelled. If we cannot accept your appeal, we will give you the opportunity to withdraw the appeal. Otherwise, we will hand the case over to the public prosecutor's office. A court hearing will then take place.
Appeals against fine or cost notices and other applications for court decisions via the contact form or e-mail are not legally admissible. Please note the information on legal remedies on the back of the notice.
Required documents
Procedure number of the warning or reference number of the fine notice
Bank details for the fine:
Recipient: City of Munich, Traffic Monitoring Department
Stadtsparkasse Munich
IBAN: DE6970150000 0000 047233
Reason for payment: Procedure number
Bank details for fines:
Recipient: City of Munich, Fines Office
Stadtsparkasse Munich
IBAN: DE86 7015 0000 0000 2030 00
Purpose: Cash reference
Questions & Answers
No, after three weeks the owner of the vehicle will receive a letter (hearing form) and will have another opportunity to pay the fine. The amount of the fine will not change.
Legal basis
Road Traffic Act (StVG),
Road Traffic Regulations (StVO)
Law on Regulatory Offences (OWiG)
Hauptabteilung I Sicherheit und Ordnung, Prävention
Postal address
Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung I Sicherheit und Ordnung, Prävention
Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München
Implerstraße 13
81371 München
Lagehinweis: Eingang C, Raum 0.14
- Mon 07:30 - 12:00
08:30 - 12:00
14:00 - 16:00 - Wed 07:30 - 12:00
- Thu 08:30 - 15:00
- Fri 07:30 - 12:00
- Sat Closed
- Sun Closed