Parking permit for vendors
As a vendor, you can apply for a parking permit for the duration of the Auer Dult.
You have a licence to open a market stall at the Auer Dult as a supplier. In order to supply this market stall, you must park your private vehicle in the Auer Dult area. The Auer Dult area is located in a managed area for residents. You therefore require a parking permit for long-term parking.
You are a vendor at the Auer Dult and have a corresponding certificate.
Required documents
Certificate of admission from the Department of Labour and Economic Affairs for participation in the Auer Dult.
Questions & Answers
For reasons of administrative simplification, the permit is issued for the entire calendar year, even if you only need the permit for one Dult. The processing fee for the administrative work is 30 euros, regardless of the period of validity.
The parking permit can be used for any vehicle.
The parking permit is valid for the three areas "Nördliche Au", "Regerplatz" and "Franziskanerstraße". Here you can park your vehicle free of charge in designated mixed parking spaces.
You can apply for a new parking permit for a fee of 10 euros.
Unfortunately not, the managed areas have been set up due to the acute shortage of parking spaces. Additional parking permits exacerbate the parking situation for residents.
Hauptabteilung I Sicherheit und Ordnung, Prävention
Parkausweise, Fahrtenbuchauflagen, Abschleppverf.
Postal address
Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung I Sicherheit und Ordnung, Prävention
Parkausweise, Fahrtenbuchauflagen, Abschleppverf.
Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München
Implerstraße 11
81371 München
- Mon 07:30 - 12:00
07:30 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00 - Wed 07:30 - 12:00
- Thu 07:30 - 15:00
- Fri 07:30 - 12:00
- Sat Closed
- Sun Closed
Contact us in writing
- Available:Barrier-free access
- Available:Disabled parking