Name change

A first name or family name may only be changed if an "important reason" (Name Change Act) justifies the change.


Family name
In practice, the following cases occur frequently (not exhaustive):
Collective names are surnames with a risk of confusion (e.g. Maier, Müller, Schmidt);
Surnames that sound offensive or ridiculous or that give rise to inappropriate or frivolous puns;
Spelling and pronunciation difficulties that cause disabilities beyond the normal level;
Problems due to different spellings of surnames with "ss" or "ß" or surnames with umlauts such as "ae" or "oe", which lead to considerable disabilities;
You are not completely free to choose your new surname. The new surname must not cause any new difficulties, either because it is a collective name or because, like the previous name, it is difficult to spell and/or pronounce. If there are difficulties with spelling and pronunciation, changing the spelling of the name will usually suffice. There are also special restrictions on the granting of double names and surnames with a former aristocratic designation.

First name
Like a change of surname, changes to first names are only possible if there is good cause. The right to choose a first name, which is exercised at the birth of a child, ends with the registration of the authorised first name at the registry office.
A change of first name is not a change within the meaning of the Name Change Act. If your name is subject to German law, you have been able to change the order of your first names at the registry office since 1 November 2018. By sorting, you can ensure that your first name comes first. Please make an appointment to visit one of Munich's registry offices (telephone 089/233-96060).

Pen name (pseudonym)
Artists' names, religious names, pseudonyms and other nicknames, which are chosen at random and can be discarded at any time, are not real names in the legal sense. However, artists' names, like civil names, are objects of name protection.
A signature with a pseudonym is legally binding and admissible, provided that the person who is to be considered as the issuer can be established without doubt. If an artist's name is used for the signature, the legal written form requirement is generally satisfied.
Names of artists and religious orders can be entered on identity cards and passports. If you have any further questions in this regard, please contact the relevant Citizens Office ( or telephone 089/233-96000).
There are generally no grounds for making a pseudonym the subject of a change of name under public law, even if the pseudonym has been used for many years.

Responsibility for name changes under public law
You can apply to us for a change of name (first name and surname) if you live in the city of Munich and are a German citizen (foreign refugees and persons entitled to asylum living here, for example, have the same status).

After you have submitted the application, we will hear the debtor administration at the local court and the responsible police station about the project. As soon as we have all the necessary evidence relevant to the decision, we can make a decision.

If we can comply with your request, we will issue you with a certificate confirming the name change, which will form the basis for the reissue of all other official documents (identity card, passport, driving licence, vehicle registration document, income tax card, etc.). You should also inform all other authorities and private institutions with which you are in regular contact of the change.

If we realise during the course of the procedure that your application has little chance of success, we recommend that you withdraw the application to save costs.
If we have to reject your application, we will formally issue you with an appealable decision. You have the right to appeal against the decision to the Bavarian Administrative Court in Munich for a review of our decision without further appeal proceedings.

Good cause is given if the applicant's legitimate interest is so significant that the interests of the general public, which generally require the retention of the previous name, must take a back seat.

Required documents

  • valid official photo ID
  • Civil status certificates from more recent times as proof of the current name
  • Certificate of good conduct (for persons aged 14 and over)
  • Proof of disabilities due to the current use of the name
  • medical certificate for name-related mental stress situations (see information sheet on medical certificates)

Further documents may be required if necessary.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

Before you submit a chargeable application, we recommend that you first seek non-binding advice on your request. Please use our contact form for this purpose. The name change authority will then contact you.


  • Change of surname: 50 to 1,500 euros
  • Change of a first name: 25 to 500 euros.

The fee is due as soon as the application is received by the competent authority. In appropriate cases, the processing of the name change application may be made dependent on the payment of an appropriate advance up to the amount of the costs likely to be incurred. When setting the fee for the change of name, the administrative costs associated with the official act and the significance, economic value or other benefit of the official act for the person making the application as well as the financial circumstances of the person making the application are taken into account. As a rule, the fee for a change of surname in Munich is roughly in the middle of the above-mentioned amounts, and for a change of first name in the upper half. If you wish to apply for a fee reduction, you must submit proof of your income.

Legal basis

see under "Links & Downloads"

Related services

Change of address for identity card, passport, eAT

If you move within Munich, move to Munich or your address has changed, you should have the address changed in your identity documents.

Second home tax

If you or family members use other flats in Munich in addition to your main residence, you must pay second home tax.

Leaving the church

Anyone wishing to leave the church, religious community or ideological community can declare this to the registry office or notary.

Adaptation of the gender entry and first name (Self-Determination Act)

Does your officially registered gender not match your personality? Then you can decide how your gender and first name will be indicated in future.

Name change on driving licence

After a name change, we recommend exchanging the driving licence (especially when travelling abroad), but it is not mandatory.

Register or re-register residence - Family

If you are moving to Munich as a family, you must register within 14 days - even if you are moving within the city.

Name change in the vehicle documents

If the name of the person or the company name to which a vehicle is registered changes, this must be entered in the vehicle documents.

Explanation of the order of the first names

Would you like to change the order of your first names? Then you can apply for this under certain conditions.

Change personal data in the population register

Your personal details have changed following a marriage, divorce or change of name abroad. You must have this entered in the register of residents.

Certificate of leaving the church

If you have already left the church and have to prove this to an authority, you will need a certificate of your departure from the church.