Register or re-register your place of residence

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If you move to Munich, you must register as soon as possible - even if you are re-registering within the city. The law stipulates 14 days.


The online service is only available for the main residence and not for the secondary residence. You must come in person or you can be represented by an authorised person.

You need an appointment to visit the Citizens Office .


  • You have already moved into the flat. Registration with a date in the future is not legally possible.
  • You do not have to deregister at your previous place of residence. This is done automatically when you register in Munich.
  • If you have several homes in Germany: You must specify where your main residence is.
  • For families: It is sufficient for one person subject to registration to come to the Citizens Office to register.
  • For minors up to the age of 16: The person whose home the minor is moving into is required to register.
  • In the case of carers: Carers who have a corresponding power of attorney with power of residence and reservation of consent must register the person under their care.

Required documents

  • Valid identification document of all persons required to register
  • Confirmation from the landlord/owner that you are moving into the flat. The submission of a confirmation in self-written form is only sufficient if it contains all the necessary information:
    • Address of the flat
    • Full name and address of the landlord (If the landlord is not also the owner of the flat, the name of the owner must also be stated)
    • Move-in date
    • The names of all persons required to register
  • If you do not or not yet have the landlord's confirmation of residence, you can submit a declaration regarding the missing landlord's confirmation of residence.
  • If Munich is your main place of residence: Bring your identity card and, if you are moving to Munich, your passport (if available) to update your address/place of residence.
  • Change of address in the vehicle documents
    • If you are moving within Munich and have a vehicle, please bring the registration certificate part I (formerly vehicle registration certificate) and the test report or entry in the vehicle registration certificate regarding a valid main inspection.
    • If you are moving to Munich and want to re-register a vehicle, please note the information provided by the vehicle registration authority: " Vehicle re-registration - from outside Munich"
  • If the registration is carried out by a person authorised by you: A power of attorney covering the following areas: registration matters or right of residence or official matters (this also applies to health care proxies), identity documents of all authorised persons (in the original).

Duration & Costs


  • free of charge
  • Change of address in vehicle documents: 12 euros

Questions & Answers

Yes, re-registration is required.

As long as you are currently registered in Germany and are moving into another flat for a stay of no longer than six months, you do not have to register for this flat.
If you otherwise live abroad and are not registered in Germany, you are only obliged to register (within the two-week period) after three months have passed.
If you are currently registered in Germany and are admitted to a hospital, nursing home or other facility that provides care for people in need of care or disabled people, you do not have to register. If you are not registered in Germany and your stay exceeds three months, you must register within two weeks.

The child must be registered by the parent with whom he or she actually lives. The consent of the other parent is not required.
The main residence is the home primarily used by the child. In case of doubt, it depends on the focus of the living arrangements, for example school, kindergarten, sports club. The other home must be registered as a secondary residence.

No, German registration law must be considered separately from the residential situation abroad (whether in another EU country or elsewhere). If you have a place of residence in Germany, this is also your main place of residence under German registration law.

You and/or your family members will be automatically informed of your tax identification number by the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt) approximately 2-4 weeks after your initial registration by means of a notification letter that you will receive by post. You will need the tax identification number for your employer, for example, if you take up gainful employment.

If you have not received this letter or can no longer find it, please use the form provided by the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt) at the following link: so that your tax identification number is sent again.

In order to receive the notification letter, you must provide as complete and accurate information as possible (e.g. full first and last names, specific detailed address additions such as parts of the building, clear labelling of the letterbox for mail delivery) about your residential address when registering.

Legal basis

Federal Registration Act (BMG)

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten Bürgerbüro Pasing

Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten Bürgerbüro Pasing

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München

Fax: +49 89 233-46544


Landsberger Straße 486
81241 München

By appointment only


  • Available:Barrier-free access
  • Not available:Disabled parking

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Change personal data in the population register

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Name change

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