Promotion of projects against right-wing extremism and racism
Projects and initiatives against right-wing extremism, racism and group-focused misanthropy can be funded by the city with up to 10,000 euros.
A campaign, action and network fund can be used to support projects and initiatives that strengthen the democratic cohesion of local society, reduce group-based misanthropy and counteract it preventively. This is done, for example, by awarding grants to external projects, campaigns and civil society organisations. The grants are based on the standardised grant guidelines of the City of Munich.
Applications must be received by the City of Munich in good time before the start of the measure/event.
Municipal activities against right-wing extremism, racism and group-focused enmity can be funded.
Required documents
- Application form
Fachstelle für Demokratie
Postal address
Landeshauptstadt München
Fachstelle für Demokratie
Marienplatz 8
80331 München
Fax: +49 89 233-27458
Marienplatz 8
80331 München