Payment card for asylum seekers
If you have received a payment card as an asylum seeker, you must inform us about payments to third parties.
Benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG) are no longer transferred to bank accounts or paid out in cash in all cases, but are provided via the payment card. Each family member aged 14 and over receives their own card.
With the payment card, transfers and direct debits will no longer be possible for cardholders. To enable payments to be made to third parties, such as mobile phone providers, you must inform them by email (to to whom payments are to be made. After appropriate verification, these payment recipients can be authorised.
If you have received a payment card as an asylum seeker, you must inform us about payments to third parties.
- You receive benefits in accordance with the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
Questions & Answers
yes, the payment card is expected to be introduced gradually from June 2024. Initially, new applicants will be issued with the cards. From 1 July 2024, those entitled to benefits who are currently receiving them will then gradually be provided with them.
no, the Social Welfare Department has no actual room for manoeuvre when it comes to implementing the payment card. The scope of the card can also be extended in individual cases.
yes, the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, Sport and Integration has stipulated that cardholders may only withdraw a total of 50 euros per person per month. The amount that can be withdrawn increases accordingly for benefit communities.
no, the payment card will not be issued to all groups of people. The excluded groups of people include refugees from Ukraine, families entitled to benefits from different areas of law (AsylbLG/SGB II or SGB XII), people with earned income or training allowance, cases within the prison (JVA), cases with a carer to whom the benefits are transferred and people in care homes.
we will inform those entitled to benefits shortly of the details regarding personal collection of the card and the first payment of benefits.
Legal basis
asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
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