Exemption from the second home tax

If your total positive income was less than 29,000 euros two years ago, you can be exempted from the second home tax for the current year.

You must reapply for the exemption for each tax year. The deadline for submitting the application is 31 January of the following year - regardless of whether you have already submitted your second home tax return. Applications received too late will be rejected.


  • You are exempt if the sum of your positive income in the year before last did not exceed the exemption limit of 29,000 euros.
  • The exemption limit can be increased to up to 37,000 euros for spouses or partners who are not permanently separated: If one person has less income than 8,000 euros, the difference is added to the exemption limit of 29,000 euros.
  • If you only exceed the exemption limit by a small amount, the tax is reduced to a third of this amount.
  • If the income in the current tax year is likely to be lower, this year's income is used as a basis.

Calculation of the total positive income:

  • Gross income from employment (minus income-related expenses) plus
  • Income from self-employment plus
  • Income from commercial enterprises plus
  • Income from capital assets plus
  • Income from letting and leasing plus
  • Income from agriculture and forestry plus
  • other income such as wage replacement benefits or pension

Tax allowances, losses from other types of income or special expenses such as insurance or extraordinary expenses may not be deducted.

Required documents

You can apply for exemption by post or e-mail. Use the "Application for exemption" form for the year for which you wish to be exempted. Enclose documents with your application that enable us to conclusively verify your annual income, for example

  • Income tax assessment notice
  • Income tax statement from your employer
  • Payslip
  • Pension certificate
  • BAföG certificate
  • Annual interest certificate from your bank

Legal basis

Second Home Tax Statutes of the City of Munich

Municipal Tax Act, Article 3, Paragraph 3, Sentences 2 to 8

Income Tax Act, paragraph 2, sections 1, 2 and 5a

Related services

Register or re-register residence - Family

If you are moving to Munich as a family, you must register within 14 days - even if you are moving within the city.

Name change in the vehicle documents

If the name of the person or the company name to which a vehicle is registered changes, this must be entered in the vehicle documents.

Second home tax

If you or family members use other flats in Munich in addition to your main residence, you must pay second home tax.

Change of address for identity card, passport, eAT

If you move within Munich, move to Munich or your address has changed, you should have the address changed in your identity documents.

Name change

A first name or family name may only be changed if an "important reason" (Name Change Act) justifies the change.

Explanation of the order of the first names

Would you like to change the order of your first names? Then you can apply for this under certain conditions.

Deregister residence

If you move abroad, give up a secondary residence or no longer have a permanent residence, you must deregister.

Leaving the church

Anyone wishing to leave the church, religious community or ideological community can declare this to the registry office or notary.

Change personal data in the population register

Your personal details have changed following a marriage, divorce or change of name abroad. You must have this entered in the register of residents.

Certificate of leaving the church

If you have already left the church and have to prove this to an authority, you will need a certificate of your departure from the church.