Benefits from the education package
People under the age of 25 who receive certain social benefits can also apply for benefits from the education and participation package.
Please note:
There is no corresponding age limit for educational benefits for the SGB XII and AsylbLG groups.
Benefits in the area of education and participation (BuT)
- Assumption of the costs of a communal lunch at school or day care centre, provided it is offered there
- Assumption of the costs for one-day and multi-day excursions at school or day care centre
- Assumption of the costs of private tuition up to a maximum of 15 euros for group lessons and a maximum of 25 euros for individual lessons per lesson (= 45 minutes)
- Assumption of the costs for participation in sports and cultural programmes amounting to a flat rate of 15 euros per month (only up to the 18th birthday)
- Assumption of the costs for school supplies totalling 195 euros per school year
- Transport to and from school
Where to apply for the benefits
You apply for the benefits for education and participation, excluding the benefit for learning support, automatically every time you are granted a new or continued Citizen's Allowance or your benefits under SGB XII or your benefit under the AsylbLG.
To do this, you must complete the BuT(SGB II and XII) or BuT-AsylbLGannex in order to specify your entitlements. If you receive housing benefit and/or child supplement, you must apply for the benefits separately using the application form.
You can download the BuT annex(if you receive benefits according to SGB II, SGB XII) and the application form(if you receive housing benefit, child supplement) here as a writable PDF file and apply for the benefits in writing at your Sozialbürgerhaus.
SGB II benefit recipients can upload the saved PDF file directly to in their user account.
Youcanalso downloadthe BuT-AsylbLG attachmenthere as a writable PDF file andapply forthe benefits at the Office for Housing and Migration,Werinherstraße 89, 81541 Munich.
Please note that the attached documents must always include the account details of the organisation, association or music school.
Explanatory video
Information on education and participation is also available in an explanatory video.
Special contact points
- Deaf residents of Munich should contact the Social Service for the Deaf.
- Munich residents without a flat of their own should contact the Central Assistance Centre for the Homeless.
People under the age of 25 who receive benefits under SGB II, SGB XII or AsylbLG or whose parents receive housing benefit or child supplement can apply for benefits under the education and participation package.
Required documents
Current notification of benefits according to
- Asylum Seekers Benefits Act.
- Housing benefit
or - Child supplement.
Legal basis
- § 28 SGB II
- § 34 SGB XII
- § Section 6b of the Federal Child Benefit Act (BKGG)
- §§ Sections 2 and 3 AsylbLG