Assumption of day-care centre costs

If you would like to apply to have your daycare centre costs covered for the 2024/2025 daycare year, we will support you with the application process.


If an application is submitted to the Economic Youth Welfare Department of the Social Welfare Department for the assumption of parental contributions for a day care centre (kindergarten, crèche, day nursery, lunchtime supervision), the amount of the costs that can be assumed (subsidy or full assumption of costs) will be examined on a case-by-case basis.


Please enquire in advance whether your daycare centre (Kita) participates in the Munich Daycare Funding (MKF) of the Department of Education and Sport (RBS), as special regulations apply here for exemption from parental contributions (Kita contribution). In particular, in the case of facilities in the MKF, the Kita can directly exempt parents from the contributions if the family submits proof that they are in receipt of citizen's allowance, housing benefit, child supplement or benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act or have a Munich Pass(yellow or grey). You can obtain further information from your childcare centre.

Note on the meal allowance

The meal allowance (catering costs) will be covered if you are in receipt of citizen's allowance, housing benefit, supplementary child allowance or benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act via benefits for education and participation (BuT). Please apply to your job centre to have the cost of the meal allowance covered if you receive citizen's allowance, to the Office for Social Security if you receive housing benefit and supplementary child allowance and to the Office for Housing and Migration if you receive benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act. In this case, the meal allowance cannot be paid by the Economic Youth Welfare Office.


There is no entitlement to BuT when attending an after-school care centre. In this case, the cost of meals is covered by the Economic Youth Welfare Service.

Required documents

Copies of the relevant proof of income and expenditure must be submitted. Bank statements are not sufficient.

If you are not self-employed, the tax assessment notice is not sufficient.

Please note

If you receive benefits according to SGB II (citizen's allowance), SGB XII (social assistance), the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act, the Housing Benefits Act or if you receive a child allowance, it is sufficient to submit the notification of approval of this benefit. Further documents regarding your financial circumstances (income and expenditure) are not required.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

We will endeavour to process your application as quickly as possible. However, due to the expected very high workload, this may take some time. Please refrain from enquiring about the processing status.

Questions & Answers

The family's total income is compared with an income limit. Of the income that exceeds this limit, you must contribute 30 per cent to the daycare centre costs. You can find more information on the calculation here.

Our online calculation is available for initial orientation.

if you will have a (significantly) lower income in the future, this will be taken into account on presentation of appropriate evidence.

housing costs are only recognised up to certain maximum limits.

Please refer to our information sheet on calculating the parental contribution.

In the case of owner-occupied property (flats and houses), the actual expenses incurred replace the rent, provided they do not exceed the maximum limits (rent ceilings). These expenses include loan interest and costs such as property tax, caretaker/administrator costs, building insurance and similar. Repayment instalments are used for capital accumulation and can therefore only be taken into account if interest and other expenses together are below the upper limit. In this case, the amortisation can be taken into account proportionately up to the maximum limit.

No, only the child benefit for the day-care centre child.

Loans can only be taken into account in exceptional cases if they are unavoidable and reasonable and already existed before the application was submitted.

Daycare centre costs for siblings can be taken into account and included in the orientation calculator if you pay them yourself

However, this does not apply if an application for economic youth assistance is also submitted for the daycare centre costs of the sibling

These costs can be taken into account.

In principle, only the MVV costs can be recognised as travel costs. Only if the use of public transport is not possible or the vehicle is absolutely necessary for work can a kilometre-based lump sum be taken into account.

Basically all necessary insurances such as

  • Household contents insurance
  • Liability insurance
  • Accident insurance
  • Legal expenses insurance
  • private health and long-term care insurance, if required by law.
  • Life insurance only for self-employed persons for old-age provision

The calculated amount is paid directly to the daycare centre after the child has been admitted and the approval notice has been issued.

If you have any further questions, please contact the social centre responsible for you. You can find this at

Legal basis

Youth welfare according to SGB VIII

Related services

Parental counselling on childcare

If you are looking for childcare for your child up to the age of ten, we can advise you free of charge on the various options available in Munich.

Reduced fees for municipal daycare centres

If your child attends a municipal day care centre, you can apply for a reduction in day care centre fees under certain conditions.

Subsidy towards parental contributions for private daycare centres

If you are unable to pay the costs for a private daycare centre or lunchtime supervision in the current daycare year, you can apply for a subsidy.

Search for a daycare centre place in kita finder+

If you are looking for a childcare place in a daycare centre, you can register your child via kita finder+.

Advice on child day care

Are you looking for a childcare place for your child? We will be happy to advise you on child day care in your own home (colloquially known as a childminder).