Assumption of costs for contraceptives

As a Munich Pass holder, you can have the costs of prescription contraceptives reimbursed.


The City of Munich covers the costs of prescription contraceptives such as the pill, the morning-after pill, contraceptive patches and IUDs for Munich Pass holders. The list is not exhaustive. Please enquire with your local Voluntary Benefits Office at the Sozialbürgerhaus responsible for your home address.

If your contraceptives cost less than 100 euros, we will reimburse your costs as soon as you submit the necessary documents.
Contraceptives costing more than 100 euros must be applied for before treatment. You will then receive a declaration of assumption of costs.

Costs for non-prescription contraceptives such as condoms are not covered.


  • Munich Pass or low income
  • Those eligible for the Munich Pass must be 22 years or older
  • you can only submit the online application if you have a prescription printed out by your gynaecologist or a screenshot of your prescription from the e-prescription app

Required documents

  • Medical prescription
  • Receipt from the pharmacy (costs for contraceptives under 100 euros must be paid in advance).
  • Munich passport or
    Current notification of citizen's allowance from the job centre
    Current notice of approval for benefits according to SGB XII from the social welfare centre
    Current notice of approval for benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act from the Office for Housing and Migration
    Current notification of housing benefit
    Current notification of supplementary child allowance
    Current proof of income and assets
    Certificate of voluntary social or ecological year or federal voluntary service

Duration & Costs

Processing time

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Questions & Answers

No - your health insurance will cover the costs for you.

Yes - up to a fixed maximum amount.

A maximum of four weeks (printed out or in the e-prescription app)

No - only the costs of prescription contraceptives are covered.

You can apply for reimbursement at the Voluntary Benefits Department in the social centre responsible for your home address.
Homeless people and recipients of benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act can enquire with their caseworker at the Office for Housing and Migration .
You can submit the application online here.

Related services

Social benefits for EU citizens

EU citizens who are registered in Munich may have access to social benefits.

Financial support for clothing

Financial support for the necessary initial equipment with clothing and shoes, but not for additional purchases.

Basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity

Persons in need who have permanently left the labour market due to old age or permanent full reduction in earning capacity can apply for basic income support.

Citizen's income

Citizen's allowance for job-seekers who are capable of working and their family members by granting financial benefits to secure their livelihood.

Financial support for furniture

Support for the necessary initial equipment with necessary furniture and household appliances, but not for subsequent purchases.

Assistance with living expenses

Are you unable to cover your living expenses from your own financial resources? Under certain conditions, you can apply for financial support.

Labour exchange

Placement in work and training, supportive offers of active labour promotion.