Acknowledgement of paternity and declaration of custody before birth/certification of the child's birth

If you are the father of a child and are not married to the mother, you can recognise paternity. The acknowledgement must be publicly notarised.


The consent of the child's mother is always required for paternity to be recognised. The mother's declaration must also be officially notarised.
If the father or mother is not yet of legal age, the legal representatives must also give their consent.

You can contact the following offices to recognise paternity:

  • the Youth Welfare Office(free of charge), where appointments can be made at any time. In addition to recognising paternity, you can also notarise a declaration of joint custody here.
  • the registry office(free of charge). Appointments for paternity acknowledgement can be made at the Munich registry office at the earliest 4 weeks before the birth. Important note: To speed up your appointment at the KVR, please print out and sign (by both parents) the paternity acknowledgement information sheet and bring it with you. This form is only necessary when visiting the district administration department. The social services department does not require this form.

    Please note: The registry office does not make a declaration of custody.
  • a notary(subject to a fee)

Good to know:

  • If paternity has already been legally recognised before the birth, the father will be recorded in the child's birth register and listed on the birth certificate.
  • If the paternity is recognised at a later date (after the child has been born and a birth certificate has already been issued), the birth register is amended and a new birth certificate is issued.
  • The parents can recognise paternity and make the declaration of consent together or separately. However, the acknowledgement of paternity only becomes effective once all the necessary consents have been given.

Required documents

For the father's declaration of recognition:

  • Father's identity card, passport or travel document
  • Birth certificate of the father
  • Proof of the expected date of birth of the child (e.g. in the maternity record)

For the mother's declaration of consent:

  • Mother's identity card, passport or travel document
  • Birth certificate of the mother
  • if the consent is separate from the acknowledgement of paternity: certified copy of the father's declaration of acknowledgement
  • Proof of the expected date of birth of the child (e.g. in the maternity record)

For further declarations of consent (e.g. from legal representatives of a minor parent):

  • Identity card, passport or travel document of the person(s) giving consent
  • notarised copy of the declaration to which consent is given
  • possibly proof of status as legal representative

Further documents may be requested in individual cases. In the case of foreign-language documents, we require a certified translation by a sworn translator based in Germany.

Duration & Costs


There are no fees.

Questions & Answers

If you wish to make a declaration of joint custody (declaration of custody) in addition to the acknowledgement of paternity, you should have the acknowledgement of paternity notarised at the City Youth Welfare Office. Please use the City Youth Welfare Office contact form to arrange an appointment and upload your documents

Legal basis

§ Section 1592 of the German Civil Code (paternity)
§§ Sections 1594, 1598 of the Civil Code (Recognition of paternity)
§ Section 44 of the Civil Status Act (declarations recognising paternity and maternity)

Related services

Recognition of paternity without a declaration of custody with a birth certificate already issued for the child

If you are the father of a child and are not married to the child's mother, you can recognise paternity.

Paternity disputes

If you are excluded from representing your child, the City Youth Welfare Office can be appointed as a supplementary guardian to contest paternity.

Recognition of paternity without a declaration of custody before birth/certification of the child's birth

If you are the father of a child and are not married to the mother, you can recognise paternity. The acknowledgement must be publicly notarised.

Notarisation of the maternity acknowledgement

If one or both parents do not (only) have German nationality, it may be necessary to have the maternity recognised in a document.

Acknowledgement of paternity and declaration of custody with birth certificate already issued for the child

If you are the father of a child and are not married to the child's mother, you can recognise paternity.