Registration for secondary school

The main date for enrolment in the 5th grade at public secondary schools for the 2024/25 school year is from 6 to 10 May 2024



The main date for enrolment in year 5 at the municipal and state secondary schools in Munich is from 6 to 8 May and on 10 May 2024.

All information and dates for school enrolment, trial lessons and parent information evenings can be found on the homepage of the respective school.

Enrolment at schools run by churches or other private organisations may differ from this date. Please enquire at the respective school or on the website of the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs.

Compulsory elective subject groups

From Year 7 onwards, students are divided into the following compulsory elective subject groups:

Compulsory elective subject group 1

with a focus on maths, science and technology:

Increased teaching in maths and physics. There is also the subject of information technology with CAD. This group is primarily aimed at pupils who would like to work in a technical/scientific profession.

Compulsory elective subject group 2

with a focus on economics: more intensive lessons in business administration/accounting, economics, law and information technology. This group is primarily aimed at students who would like to work in business or administration.

Compulsory elective subject group 3a

with a focus on French as a second foreign language

Compulsory elective subject group 3b

  • with a focus on art education
  • or handicrafts
  • or social work
  • or household and nutrition
  • or music

You have no right to be admitted to a particular secondary school. If there are more applications than school places available, the school management will endeavour to find a suitable school. Of course, you can also express your own preferences.


  • You can enrol your child if they are in the fourth year of primary school and are still 11 years old on 30 September 2023. The school management decides on exceptions.
  • If your child comes from a primary school, they should have an average grade of less than 2.66 in the subjects German, maths and local history and social studies.
  • If your child would like to transfer from the 5th grade of a Hauptschule or Mittelschule to a Realschule, they should have an average grade of at least 2.5 in German and maths.
  • The school management will inform you about the admission requirements for pupils from a grammar school or secondary modern school who wish to transfer to year 6 or a higher year of secondary modern school at the parents' information evenings.

Note on trial lessons:

  • If your child does not have the required average or has not yet received a recommendation for a secondary school, he or she can take part in a trial lesson .
  • If your child has received a transfer certificate from primary school stating that he/she can attend a secondary school, the trial lesson is not necessary.
  • T he dates for the trial lessons for secondary school are currently planned for the period from 14 May to 16 May 2024. Your child will have to complete written tasks in German and maths. Oral performance will also be assessed. If your child passes the trial lessons with at least a grade 4, they can enter the Realschule. Details can be obtained directly from the respective school when enrolling.
  • If your child is ill on the date of the trial lesson (certificate from a doctor or school doctor required), they can attend a catch-up lesson at the end of the summer holidays.
  • For more detailed information on trial lessons and the necessary admission requirements, please refer to the brochure "Information on enrolment", which you can find under "Forms".

Required documents

Enrolment can only be made by a parent or legal guardian or an authorised representative. The following original documents must be submitted:

  • Birth certificate
  • Original copy of school leaving certificate or half-year report card
  • custody order, if applicable
  • dyslexia certificates or attestations, if applicable
  • Proof of measles immunisation or proof of immunity (in accordance with the Measles Protection Act)

Legal basis

School regulations for secondary schools

Landeshauptstadt München

Referat für Bildung und Sport
Abt. 3 Realschulen und Schulen besonderer Art


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Bildung und Sport
Abt. 3 Realschulen und Schulen besonderer Art

Bayerstraße 28
80335 München

Fax: +49 89 233-83831


Bayerstraße 28
80335 München

Our colleagues are available for you by telephone on
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 7.15 a.m. to 4.00 p.m
Tuesday: 7.15 a.m. to 5.00 p.m
Friday: 7.15 a.m. to 1.00 p.m

Related services

Registration - Orientation level (Ori)

The municipal school type-independent orientation level (Ori) is a special type of school that prepares your child for the transition to Year 7.

School counselling - Secondary schools

We are happy to advise you on questions and problems in the areas of secondary school, grammar school and vocational school.

School counselling - Inclusion

The Inclusion Counselling Service supports you with questions about inclusion at municipal secondary schools, grammar schools and vocational schools.

International student programme

Are you between 15 and 17 years old and attend a Munich school? Then apply for a student exchange or an exchange programme abroad.

School counselling - Realschule, Orientierungsstufe, Gesamtschule

We support and advise you on topics relating to the Realschule, Orientierungsstufe and Gesamtschule and on general questions about your school career.

School counselling - grammar school

We support and advise you on topics relating to grammar school and general questions about your school career.

Registration - Comprehensive school (WBG)

At the comprehensive school, your child can achieve the secondary school leaving certificate, the intermediate secondary school leaving certificate and the scientific-technological upper secondary...

Registration for secondary school

If your child would like to attend a secondary school, you will find all the important information here.

Registration for grammar school

If your child is moving to the 5th grade of a public grammar school in Munich for the 2025/2026 school year, you must enrol them at the school on 5 May 2025.