Electric car hire

If you have limited mobility, you can borrow an electric scooter free of charge.


Would you like to visit the zoo, the Olympic Park or Munich city centre alone or with friends, but your mobility is limited? Is your stamina or sense of balance impaired? If you are over 18 years old, you are welcome to use one of our free electric scooters. You don't need a driving licence! Nor do you need any proof of limited mobility (no disability card etc.).


To borrow an e-mobile, you will need an identification document (e.g. identity card, driving licence) showing your name, age and address. You do not need a driving licence to drive the e-mobile. Borrowing is free of charge, you just need to fill in the rental application form on site and leave a deposit. Return the e-mobile to the station within your hire period (max. 3.5 hours in the city centre and the zoo, max. 4 hours in the Olympic Park).
Important: Please reserve an e-mobile for the desired period (by telephone or conveniently using the online reservation tool)

Questions & Answers

The hire station at Hellabrunn Zoo is located between the Flamingo Entrance and the Jungle House. The Flamingo entrance is diagonally opposite the Tierpark bus stop (Alemannenstraße). If you are not yet confident about travelling with the mobile, our staff will be happy to help you with your first attempts until you feel confident enough to drive through the zoo on your own. Of course, you can also contact us by phone at any time during the booking period.

The hire station in the Old Town is located behind the New Town Hall, on the corner of Landschaftsstraße and Weinstraße. We are directly at exit G of the U6/U3 underground line at Marienplatz station. This is a stairway to Marienhof. If you are not yet confident about travelling with the Mobil, our staff will be happy to help you with your first attempts until you feel confident enough to travel to the Viktualienmarkt, the valley or the Hofgarten on your own. Of course, you can also contact us by phone at any time during the booking period.

The Olympiapark hire station is located between BMW Welt and the old bus station or Olympiapark underground station. If you are not yet confident about travelling by scooter, our staff will be happy to help you with your first attempts until you feel confident enough to travel to the Olympic Tower, along the Olympic Lake or up to the Olympic Hill on your own. Of course, you can also contact us by phone at any time during the booking period.

The Department of Labour and Economic Affairs supports the electric car hire scheme as part of the Munich Employment and Qualification Programme (MBQ). The project organiser is Anderwerk with the social enterprise Lernstatt Kfz and Elektro Feldkirchen, which employ long-term unemployed people for the service and thus pave the way back into working life for them. The project is being realised in close cooperation with Hellabrunn Zoo and the city's advisory council for the disabled.

E-Mobilverleih Altstadt


in Nähe der Weinstraße 8
80331 München

Telephone reservation: Monday to Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm

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