Income-orientated additional funding (EOZF)

Are you renting an EOF flat or a "social letting made easy" flat? Then you can reduce your rent. To do so, apply for a rent subsidy.


The income-orientated additional subsidy (EOZF) is a rent subsidy for tenants of subsidised flats that were built as part of the income-orientated subsidy (EOF).
This additional subsidy reduces your rental costs. The City of Munich voluntarily pays a so-called occupancy subsidy for flats from the "Social Renting Made Easy" (SVLG) programme.
This is based on the EOZF, so the information on this page applies to both rent subsidies.

The amount of the rent subsidy depends on the total annual income of your household. There are three income levels in the EOZF. Households in level I receive the full additional subsidy. In levels II and III, the subsidy is reduced. If your total income exceeds all levels, no additional subsidy is possible.

The same income levels I to III apply to the occupancy subsidy for flats from the "Social letting made easy" programme. However, as the price per square metre of SVLG flats is more expensive than that of EOF flats, there is an additional level IV for the occupancy subsidy. Only if your household income exceeds all four income levels will you no longer receive an occupancy allowance.

Below is an example (EOZF) with a rent of 10 euros per square metre (sqm) (net/cold):

  • Income level I
    • With a rent subsidy of 4 euros per square metre, the remaining rent is 6 euros per square metre
  • Income level II
    • With a rent subsidy of 3 euros per square metre, the remaining rent is 7 euros per square metre
  • Income level III
    • With a rent subsidy of 2 euros per square metre, the remaining rent is 8 euros per square metre

For further information, please refer to the EOZF information sheet or the information sheet on the occupancy allowance.

The EOZF decision is valid for two years. It is important that you submit a new EOZF application in good time before the notice expires. This will help you avoid gaps in the EOZF rent subsidy. The same applies to the occupancy allowance.

Please note:
You can also apply for housing benefit.


  • Tenant of an income-oriented subsidised flat (EOF) or a flat from the "Social letting made easy" programme (SVLG)
    • Have a look at your tenancy agreement or ask your landlord.
  • Compliance with the income limit
    • EOZF: There are three income levels. Households in level I receive the full additional subsidy. In levels II and III, the subsidy is reduced. If the total income exceeds all levels, no additional subsidy is possible.
    • Occupancy allowance: There are four income levels. Households in level I receive the highest rent subsidy. The subsidy is reduced in levels II, III and IV. If the total income exceeds all levels, no rent subsidy is possible.
  • You can use this calculator for a preliminary check.
    • Please note that the result is only a rough guide. Only the income calculation of the Office for Housing and Migration is binding.
  • Alternatively, you can use the overviews in our information sheets for orientation

Required documents

  • Application for EOZF rent subsidy or occupancy subsidy. The best way to do this is online. Use this form for initial, repeat and change applications.
  • Tenancy agreement (complete copy signed by landlord and tenant)
  • Proof of income:
    • Salary statements of all household members for the last three months with special payments, holiday and Christmas bonuses or certificate of earnings
    • Notifications of benefits according to SGB II (Second Book of the German Social Code), SGB XII (Twelfth Book of the German Social Code), unemployment benefit, BaföG (Federal Training Assistance Act), pension notification, parental allowance notification
    • confirmation of pregnancy, if applicable
    • confirmation of severe disability, if applicable
    • proof of receipt of child benefit, if applicable
  • Bank details

Duration & Costs

Processing time

We check the EOZF applications and the applications for documentary allowance in order (by date of receipt) so that all citizens are treated equally. Unfortunately, due to the volume of applications received, the processing time is currently around 9 months.

The decision is valid for two years. It is valid from the first day of the month in which you submitted your application (authorisation period). If you pay rent or move into the flat at a later date, you will receive the rent subsidy for two years from the date you start paying rent or move into the flat.


There are no fees for processing the application.

Questions & Answers

The best way to apply for an EOZF or documentary allowance is online at

The online application conveniently guides you through the application process and shows you which documents we need to process your application. You can take a photo of these documents with your mobile phone, for example, and upload them directly. Submit your application and you're done.

If you do not yet have all the documents, you can also save your application and complete it later.

The online application helps us to process your application more quickly.

If required, you can find a paper application form under Links & Downloads.

If you live in an EOF flat, this is usually stated in your tenancy agreement. Landlords will also know whether your (future) flat is an EOF flat or a flat from the "Soziales Vermieten leicht gemacht" (SVLG) programme.

If you are looking for a flat from the EOF programme or the SVLG programme in Munich, you must submit a flat application. You can then search for a flat via the SOWON internet platform. Further information.

To make an appointment for a personal interview at our offices (Werinherstraße 87, 81541 Munich), write to us using the contact form.

Select the subject "Appointment request". You can also use the contact form to describe your circumstances directly and send us documents. Your enquiry will be processed as quickly as possible. We will call you back if necessary.
You can also request an appointment by telephone on 089 233-49188.

After successfully arranging an appointment, you will receive a confirmation. Please bring this with you to the agreed appointment.

You will usually receive the EOZF or the occupancy allowance monthly in advance to your account. It can take up to 10 weeks for the first payment after receipt of a notification. This is because several municipal departments are involved. Unfortunately, we cannot speed up the payment.

The decision is valid for two years. It is valid from the first day of the month in which you submitted your application (authorisation period). If you pay rent or move into the flat at a later date, you will receive the additional subsidy for two years from the date you start paying rent or move into the flat.

Please submit your new application for EOZF or Belegrechtszuschuss before the notice expires. This will help you to avoid gaps in your rent subsidy.

The amount of the additional subsidy depends on the total income of your household. Your decision is valid for two years (see above). During the two years, the additional subsidy does not normally change. If your tenancy ends, the additional subsidy will be cancelled.

Landlords are allowed to increase the rent. In the case of EOF flats, however, this does not usually lead to a higher EOZF rent subsidy.

If the rent of an SVLG flat becomes more expensive, both your occupancy allowance and the remaining rent you have to pay will increase. We will only take the higher rent into account from the month in which you inform us of the rent increase. In your own interest, therefore, please inform us immediately if your rent is increased.

Please use the "Change of bank details" form. You can send us the completed form using the contact form.

Legal basis

Bavarian Housing Assistance Act (BayWoFG); Housing Assistance Regulations (WFB).

Landeshauptstadt München

Soziale Wohnraumversorgung


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Soziale Wohnraumversorgung

Werinherstraße 89
81541 München

Fax: +49 89 233-48722


Werinherstraße 87
81541 München

Lagehinweis: Haus 24, 1. OG
Room: Haus 24, 2.OG

Personal consultations are only possible by appointment. Please request an appointment using the contact form or by telephone on 089 233-49188. Further information can be found in the Questions & Answers section.

Telephone consultation hours
Monday to Friday: 9 am to 12 pm
Wednesday additionally: 3 to 5 pm


  • Available:Barrier-free access
  • Not available:Disabled parking

Sign language interpreters by prior arrangement by telephone, 089 233-40001.

Related services

Munich model - rented flat

The Munich Model offers affordable housing for middle-income households (initial rent from around 12 euros per square metre). An application must be submitted for this.

Notification of vacant accommodation

As soon as it is foreseeable that a publicly subsidised flat will become vacant, the person entitled to dispose of it (landlord) must inform the Office for Housing and Migration of this

Housing benefit negative certificate

As a recipient of housing benefit, you will need a negative certificate if you move house.

Rent index - review of rent increases

The rent index provides an overview of the standard local comparative rent in the city of Munich. A rent increase must be justified in accordance with the rent index.

Enforcement of the misappropriation statute

The misappropriation statute is intended to prevent all measures that deprive the housing market of living space.

Subsidised housing (so-called social housing)

If you need a subsidised flat in Munich, you must submit an application. You can then search for a flat via the SOWON internet platform.

Housing benefit - rent subsidy for rented flats

If you only have a low income, you can apply for a rent subsidy under certain conditions.

Housing exchange

With the digital housing exchange, the Social Services Department is helping to utilise existing living space sensibly and efficiently.

Permissible rent level for subsidised flats

Tenants of subsidised housing (so-called social housing) receive information about the permissible rent level.

Help with imminent loss of housing (housing security)

Counselling and help for Munich residents whose tenancy is threatened by termination or eviction proceedings.