Change personal data in the population register

Your personal details have changed following a marriage, divorce or change of name abroad. You must have this entered in the register of residents.


Marriage abroad:

In principle, marriages entered into abroad are recognised in the Federal Republic of Germany. However, all requirements for marriage under the law of the country in which the marriage was concluded must be met.

Divorce abroad:

In principle, foreign divorces or comparable decisions require recognition by the Higher Regional Court.

Recognition is not required

- if both spouses belonged exclusively to the state whose court or authority issued the judgement at the time of the judgement (home state judgements).
- in matrimonial matters from member states of the European Union - except Denmark

Change of name due to marriage or divorce abroad:

The names of the spouses are determined by the respective home country law. If one spouse is a foreign national, the name in the foreign passport is decisive for the entry in the register of residents. The foreign marriage certificate is not taken into account.

We are switching to a new appointment system.

Please note therefore:


If you are getting married in Germany, the registration office will be informed by the registry office.

In all other cases, you (or an authorised person) must come in person.

Required documents

  • international marriage certificate or marriage certificate with translation into German
  • Divorce decree with translation into German
  • recognition by the higher regional court, if applicable
  • EU divorce: divorce decree in German translation or certificate in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003, available from the divorce court

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten
Bürgerbüro Orleansplatz

Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten
Bürgerbüro Orleansplatz

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München

Fax: +49 89 233-49401


Orleansstraße 50
81667 München


  • Available:Barrier-free access
  • Not available:Disabled parking

Related services

Name change

A first name or family name may only be changed if an "important reason" (Name Change Act) justifies the change.

Leaving the church

Anyone wishing to leave the church, religious community or ideological community can declare this to the registry office or notary.

Certificate of leaving the church

If you have already left the church and have to prove this to an authority, you will need a certificate of your departure from the church.

Second home tax

If you or family members use other flats in Munich in addition to your main residence, you must pay second home tax.

Register or re-register your place of residence

If you move to Munich, you must register as soon as possible - even if you are re-registering within the city. The law stipulates 14 days.

Change of address for identity card, passport, eAT

If you move within Munich, move to Munich or your address has changed, you should have the address changed in your identity documents.

Name change in the vehicle documents

If the name of the person or the company name to which a vehicle is registered changes, this must be entered in the vehicle documents.

Adaptation of the gender entry and first name (Self-Determination Act)

Does your officially registered gender not match your personality? Then you can decide how your gender and first name will be indicated in future.

Name change on driving licence

After a name change, we recommend exchanging the driving licence (especially when travelling abroad), but it is not mandatory.

Register or re-register residence - Family

If you are moving to Munich as a family, you must register within 14 days - even if you are moving within the city.