School medical consultation

The City of Munich's school medical centre offers school medical consultations and examinations for pupils and their parents.


Services offered

School health counselling, examination and (official) medical assessment, for example in the case of

  • compulsory school medical certificate
  • School absences
  • missed examinations due to illness
  • limited fitness for sport
  • chronic illness and physical impairment (compensation for disadvantages)
  • Request for counselling by the pupil or parents

Initial appointment

  • preliminary medical consultation, examination and counselling
  • if required: arrangement of individual support and treatment measures
  • if required: Consultation and cooperation with treating physicians
  • if required: child and adolescent psychiatric co-assessment
  • school medical certificate for submission to the school

Acute consultation

Are you or your child ill and the school requires a medical certificate for the absence or missed exam? Then an appointment at the acute consultation is necessary.

At the agreed appointment, you (and your child) can expect a

  • preliminary medical consultation, examination, counselling
  • school medical certificate for submission to the school

The appointment with the school doctor does not replace treatment by your family doctor or specialist! Appointments must be made by telephone on the first day of illness or on the day of the examination.

Notes for schools

If you need individual or general counselling, please contact us. If necessary, we can arrange a telephone call with a school doctor. Please also refer to the brochure "School absences" under "Forms and links".

All discussions are subject to medical confidentiality and are confidential. Our counselling is independent and free of charge. Underage pupils must be accompanied by a parent with parental authority.


It is always necessary to make an appointment in advance by telephone.

The pupil must attend a school in the Munich city area.

Required documents

First appointment

  • official photo ID (identity card)
  • completed information sheet (see forms and links)
  • Documents and findings from the treating doctors, hospital reports, etc.
  • proof of the duration of the doctor's sick note, if applicable

Acute consultation

  • official photo ID (identity card)
  • if applicable, current documents and findings from the treating doctors, hospital reports, etc.
  • proof of the duration of the medical sick note, if applicable

Duration & Costs


The counselling and examination are free of charge.

Questions & Answers

In the event of frequent absences from school or indications of a possible illness, the school can order a compulsory medical certificate or examination. An appointment with the health department is then necessary.

Please contact us by telephone (see Contact). We will advise you and check whether a detailed initial appointment is necessary.

Please make an appointment at the acute consultation on the first day of illness and bring the documents and papers that are important for the school doctor's assessment. A school doctor's certificate cannot be issued retrospectively!

Please contact us by telephone. We will advise you and check whether a detailed initial appointment is necessary.

Please make an appointment at the acute consultation on the first day of illness and bring the necessary documents with you. A school doctor's certificate cannot be issued retrospectively!

Please contact us by telephone (see Contact). We will advise you and check whether a detailed initial appointment is necessary.

Please contact us by telephone (see Contact). We will advise you and check whether a detailed initial appointment is necessary.

Yes, our service is free of charge.

Legal basis

Articles 11, 12 and 15 GDG, SchulgespflV, BayEUG, school regulations

Landeshauptstadt München

SG Schulgesundheit

The City of Munich's school medical centre offers school medical consultations and examinations for pupils and their parents.


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
SG Schulgesundheit

Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München

Fax: +49 89 233-47931


Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München

Monday to Friday

8 a.m. to 12 p.m
13 to 15 o'clock

Please make an appointment in advance!


  • Not available:Barrier-free access
  • Not available:Disabled parking

Access is barrier-free

Related services

Offences against compulsory education

Anyone who violates compulsory school attendance must expect to be fined.

BildungsLokale - educational counselling in the district

Free educational counselling and offers for all citizens, educational stakeholders and institutions in the district.

Benefits from the education package

People under the age of 25 who receive certain social benefits can also apply for benefits from the education and participation package.

Special payment for pupils

Pupils starting school in Munich for the first time or transferring to a secondary school can receive a special payment.