Housing benefit - encumbrance allowance for owner-occupied flats

Housing benefit is a subsidy to ensure adequate and family-friendly housing. This social benefit is only granted on application.


In order to receive housing benefit (Lastenzuschuss), an application must be submitted to the local housing benefit office.

Encumbrance allowance can be granted to

  • Owners of their own home or condominium,
  • Owners of a permanent right of residence similar to ownership and for
  • Those with hereditary building rights and those who are entitled to the transfer of ownership of the building or flat or to the transfer or granting of the hereditary building right

The application must be submitted by the person entitled to housing benefit (owner of the owner-occupied dwelling).

If several household members fulfil this requirement, it is assumed that the person making the application is designated by the other household members as the person entitled to housing benefit.

Housing benefit is generally granted for 12 months.

After the authorisation period has expired, an application for continued benefits must be submitted if you wish to continue claiming benefits.

Please note that the processing time will be longer due to the increased number of housing benefit applications.

Housing benefit calculator

The online housing benefit calculator
(provided by Berlin) calculates the monthly housing benefit on the basis of your details without obligation. Your actual housing benefit entitlement can only be determined by submitting a written application to the housing benefit office responsible for you and providing all the necessary documents.

The data you enter in the housing benefit calculator will not be saved.

Note: In input field 1.1, select Munich - not the district of Munich.


Whether and to what extent you are entitled to housing benefit depends on

  • the number of household members to be taken into account
  • the total income and
  • the amount of the housing costs to be taken into account

In order to receive housing benefit (housing allowance), you must submit an application to the local housing benefit office. The date of application is important here. As a rule, housing benefit is only paid from the beginning of the month in which the application is received by the housing benefit office. There is generally no housing benefit for periods in the past.

Required documents

The following documents must be enclosed with the application for housing benefit (if applicable).

Proof of the gross income of all persons in the household

  • for employees (including mini-jobs and marginal employment): Certificates of earnings including proof of training allowances (form available from the housing benefit office or on the Internet, from the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior)
  • for pensioners: Pension notices, including company, works and company pensions, as well as pensions with the latest change notifications (pension notifications)
  • for income tax payers (unless proof can be provided by means of a certificate of earnings):
    last income tax assessment notice
    last income tax return
  • for recipients of maintenance payments: Proof of the type, amount and recipient of the benefits (maintenance order, maintenance agreements, confirmations, payment receipts)
  • for children: Proof of child benefit or a comparable benefit
  • for unemployed persons: notice of authorisation or benefit notification from the employment office regarding unemployment benefit
  • for persons in training: Proof of the type, amount and recipient of the training grant(e.g. BAföG, vocational training grant)
  • for recipients of benefits from the Munich Job Centre, social assistance or war victims' welfare: proof of the type, amount and recipient of the benefits
  • Proof of other income(e.g. proof of interest income or other investment income, rental income, benefits from third parties, including on a loan basis if applicable, benefits in kind, grants from scholarships)

Proof of home ownership, condominium

  • Purchase contract (with living space plan/sketch of living space)
  • Proof of total living space (living space calculation or building plan)
  • Loan agreements and last annual statements
  • Property tax assessment notice
  • Proof of management costs (only for condominiums)
  • Ground rent
  • Building savings contributions, the amount of which is earmarked for the repayment of borrowed funds

Other evidence

  • Proof of increased income-related expenses and declaration of the amount of income-related expenses to be expected again
  • Proof of childcare costs (contracts, invoices and proof of payment)
  • Proof of fulfilment of statutory maintenance obligations with details of the type and amount of benefits and the person(s) entitled to receive them
  • for persons undergoing training: Proof of type of training and place of training
  • for severely disabled persons: severely disabled person's pass or assessment notice
  • for persons in need of care (receiving care at home): Proof of need for care within the meaning of Section 14 of the German Social Security Code XI (care allowance notification)
  • for victims of National Socialist persecution and their equals within the meaning of the Federal Compensation Act: Proof of membership of this group of persons

If you submit bank statements as proof, you may black out the purpose or recipient of a transfer - but not the amount - if it concerns special categories of personal data (Art. 9 para. 1 of the General Data Protection Regulation). These are data relating to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation.

You can obtain the application form

Where do I apply?

Applications for rent and encumbrance allowances in the city of Munich are processed at the Office for Housing and Migration, Werinherstr. 87, 81541 Munich.
You can submit the application by post to the postal address Amt für Wohnen und Migration Werinherstr 89, 81541 Munich or hand it in at the information desks.
If you wish to see your case officer in person, you will need to make an appointment in advance.

Please bear in mind that only a fully completed and signed application form and the submission of the required documents will enable the application to be processed quickly.
The Housing Benefit Office is obliged to check the plausibility of your income details. It is therefore not only in your own interest to state your income in order to calculate the relevant income for housing benefit purposes, but also so that a proper decision can be made on your housing benefit application.
Housing benefit applications for housing outside Munich must be submitted to the respective municipality or district office.

Housing benefit applications for housing outsideMunich must be submitted to the respective municipality or district office.

Legal basis

§ Section 22 Housing Benefit Act

Landeshauptstadt München

Fachbereich Wohngeld

Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Fachbereich Wohngeld

Werinherstraße 89
81541 München


Werinherstraße 87
81541 München

Personal consultations are only possible after prior appointment by telephone for urgent exceptional cases. Tel.: 089 / 233 - 49250.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 12 noon, Wednesday afternoon from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m

Waiting numbers are generally issued until 11.30 a.m.; if there is a high volume of customers, only until 11 a.m. and Wednesday afternoons until 4.30 p.m.

Related services

Occupancy rights for flats

Are you a landlord and willing to conclude an occupancy agreement for your flat? Then take part in "Social letting made easy"!

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Advice for housing cooperatives and owners' associations

Bauzentrum München advises condominium owners' associations (WEG) and housing cooperatives on sustainable refurbishment and modernisation.

Legal advice at the Munich Construction Centre

Information on legal issues relating to housing, renovation and construction can be obtained from the fee-based legal consultations at the Munich Building Centre.

Advice on buying a residential property

If you want to buy a residential property for your own use and have a medium income, we can advise you on the subsidy options offered by the Free State of Bavaria.

Energy certificate for residential buildings

The energy performance certificate documents and evaluates the determined energy value of a building. Entire buildings are always considered, not individual flats.

Support for border trees

If you and your neighbours plant new trees on the shared boundary of your properties, you can apply for a grant.