Subsidised housing (so-called social housing)

If you need a subsidised flat in Munich, you must submit an application. You can then search for a flat via the SOWON internet platform.


It is only possible to move into a subsidised flat under certain conditions. Therefore, an application for registration must be submitted to the Office for Housing and Migration.

As part of the processing of your application, the individual room requirement (principle: 1 room per person, a separate living room is not provided) and the urgency of the housing search will be determined. The urgency is categorised on the basis of a points table. Depending on the level of income, registration is valid for a maximum of two years from the date of the decision.

During this period, you can search for flats on SOWON and apply. The five applicants with the highest urgency will then receive a written offer of accommodation (nomination) with the contact details of the landlords to view the accommodation. The landlords then decide who gets the flat.

You can submit your application online on SOWON or using the paper form. You can find more information on online applications in the flyer "Online housing application" and in the explanatory video "Online housing application".

After registration (notification), you will be shown all available subsidised flats on SOWON that match your household. You can apply for up to three flats at the same time. You can find an overview of the housing search via SOWON in the flyer "Housing Search Online".

Munich Model flats are not offered on SOWON, but are allocated directly by the landlords. You can find current housing offers on property portals such as ImmobilienScout24.

Depending on the size of your household, it may take several months or even several years before a flat can be placed. We recommend that you continue to look for flats on the open rental market.

For further information about the application process and finding accommodation, please also use our help pages.


  • Compliance with income limits:
    • There are different income levels. Depending on the level of income, you are entitled to move into flats in the appropriate income bracket. If the maximum permitted income limit is exceeded, the application will be rejected.
    • You can use this WBS calculator for a preliminary check. Please note that the result is only a rough guide and is not a binding income calculation.
  • Household affiliation (according to Art. 4 BayWoFG)
    • Cohabiting partners can only be registered jointly if they are in a so-called long-term partnership. In particular, a relationship of at least two years and the care of joint children serve as indications.
    • The household generally includes (from the perspective of the applicant or their spouse/partner)
      • Children (including foster children)
      • Parents, (great-)grandparents
      • (Great-)grandchildren
      • Brother/sister
      • Father-in-law/mother-in-law, son-in-law/daughter-in-law
      • Brother-in-law/sister-in-law
      • Not included in the household (no joint registration possible):
        Uncle, aunt, cousin, nephew, niece, distant relatives and other persons
  • habitual residence/ main residence in Germany
  • sufficient residence status in the case of foreign flat seekers
    • authorised are for example: Settlement permit (§ 9 AufenthG), residence permit for humanitarian reasons (§ 25 AufenthG)
    • not authorising are, for example: toleration (§ 60a AufenthG)

Required documents

  • Proof of income (e.g. salary/wage slips for the last 3 months, SGB II/ SGB XII notification (all pages), last tax assessment notice)
  • Identity card, passport or residence permit
  • Tenancy agreement or proof of current housing situation
  • if applicable, confirmation of pregnancy (maternity record or medical certificate)
  • medical certificate, if applicable
  • proof of custody or declaration of child(ren) in separate households, if applicable

Duration & Costs

Processing time

We process all applications one after the other. Due to the large number of applications received, processing times can unfortunately take around 5 months. You can view the processing status of your application on SOWON(under "Applications"). Therefore, please refrain from enquiring about the processing status in the meantime. We will process your application as quickly as possible.

Please submit a repeat application in good time to ensure that registration is as seamless as possible.


No fees are charged for processing the application. If a flat is successfully found, a confirmation fee of 25 euros will be charged.

Questions & Answers

The easiest and quickest way to get an appointment is to use our contact form. You can also deal with many issues directly here (e.g. report changes and upload documents, report technical problems with SOWON, request a new password, ask general questions). We will clarify your request as quickly as possible and call you back if necessary.

Alternatively, you can also request an appointment via the service telephone 089 233-96820.

After making an appointment, you will receive an appointment confirmation from us. Please bring this with you to the appointment.

The City of Munich has a stock of around 91,000 flats owned by municipal and private housing associations, which are allocated by the Office for Housing and Migration, including around 48,500 subsidised flats that are tied. Around 3,000 of these flats are newly allocated each year. On the other hand, there are around 30,000 applications per year from households looking for accommodation.

You are welcome to use our help pages.

Please use MIWON exclusively. You can access it via the municipal intranet - WiLMA (Mitarbeiten Wohnen München) or via your personnel department.

Legal basis

  • Bavarian Housing Commitment Act (BayWoBindG)
  • Bavarian Housing Promotion Act (BayWoFG)
  • Ordinance on the Implementation of Housing Law and Special Urban Development Law (DVWoR)
  • Administrative regulations on the implementation of housing commitment law (VVWoBindR)

Landeshauptstadt München

Soziale Wohnraumversorgung


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Soziale Wohnraumversorgung

Werinherstraße 89
81541 München


Werinherstraße 87
81541 München

Lagehinweis: Haus 24, 1. OG

Personal consultations are only possible by appointment. Please request an appointment via our contact form or by telephone: 089 233-96820. Further information can be found in the Questions & Answers section.

Telephone consultation hours

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: 8 am to 4 pm
Thursday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m
Friday: 8 am to 1 pm

SOWON terminal opening hours

Would you like to search for flats via our SOWON terminals? This is possible without an appointment at the following times:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8.30 am to 12 noon
Wednesday additionally: 3 to 5 pm

If you need help using the terminal or SOWON, please make an appointment.


  • Available:Barrier-free access
  • Not available:Disabled parking

Sign language interpreters by prior arrangement by telephone, 089 233-40001.

Related services

Rent index - review of rent increases

The rent index provides an overview of the standard local comparative rent in the city of Munich. A rent increase must be justified in accordance with the rent index.

Housing benefit - rent subsidy for rented flats

If you only have a low income, you can apply for a rent subsidy under certain conditions.

Notification of vacant accommodation

As soon as it is foreseeable that a publicly subsidised flat will become vacant, the person entitled to dispose of it (landlord) must inform the Office for Housing and Migration of this

Rental advice

Tenants and landlords as well as municipal departments and external authorities can obtain free advice on all aspects of the tenancy.

Help with imminent loss of housing (housing security)

Counselling and help for Munich residents whose tenancy is threatened by termination or eviction proceedings.

Enforcement of the misappropriation statute

The misappropriation statute is intended to prevent all measures that deprive the housing market of living space.

Munich model - rented flat

The Munich Model offers affordable housing for middle-income households (initial rent from around 12 euros per square metre). An application must be submitted for this.

Income-orientated additional funding (EOZF)

Are you renting an EOF flat or a "social letting made easy" flat? Then you can reduce your rent. To do so, apply for a rent subsidy.

Housing exchange

With the digital housing exchange, the Social Services Department is helping to utilise existing living space sensibly and efficiently.

Expiry of rent and occupancy restrictions for subsidised flats

Tenants of subsidised housing (so-called social housing) receive information about the date on which the rent and occupancy commitment expires.