Notarisation of the maternity acknowledgement

If one or both parents do not (only) have German nationality, it may be necessary to have the maternity recognised in a document.


Documentary establishment of parentage under foreign law.

If one or both parents do not (only) have German nationality, it may be necessary to have the maternity recognised in a document, e.g. in the case of Italian nationals. The personal presence of the person making the declaration is required for notarisation.

The responsibility for processing depends on the surname of the child or the expectant mother.

Required documents

  • valid identification document of the (expectant) mother
  • Birth certificate of the child or confirmation of the birth of the child, if this has not yet been notarised, or extract from the mother's passport, if the child has not yet been born
  • Telephone number where the mother can be reached to make an appointment

Duration & Costs

Processing time

As soon as all documents have been received, we will contact you by telephone to arrange an appointment.
Due to current developments, you may have to expect longer waiting times for a notarisation appointment.

Landeshauptstadt München



Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München

Werner-Schlierf-Straße 9
81539 München

Fax: +49 89 233-67532


Werner-Schlierf-Straße 9
81539 München

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  • Not available:Disabled parking

Aufzug vorhanden

Related services

Acknowledgement of paternity and declaration of custody before birth/certification of the child's birth

If you are the father of a child and are not married to the mother, you can recognise paternity. The acknowledgement must be publicly notarised.

Recognition of paternity without a declaration of custody before birth/certification of the child's birth

If you are the father of a child and are not married to the mother, you can recognise paternity. The acknowledgement must be publicly notarised.

Paternity disputes

If you are excluded from representing your child, the City Youth Welfare Office can be appointed as a supplementary guardian to contest paternity.

Acknowledgement of paternity and declaration of custody with birth certificate already issued for the child

If you are the father of a child and are not married to the child's mother, you can recognise paternity.

Recognition of paternity without a declaration of custody with a birth certificate already issued for the child

If you are the father of a child and are not married to the child's mother, you can recognise paternity.