Stay for medical treatment - private patients and self-payers
Persons requiring treatment and their escorts from third countries who are travelling for the purpose of medical treatment may apply for a residence permit.
Residence permit for medical treatment for private patients and self-payers as well as for care by a medical service provider.
visa procedure
In many cases, you will need a valid national visa (type D). The national visa is issued either by the German diplomatic mission abroad or by the Foreigners Office. A Schengen visa (type C) can only be extended as a national visa (type D) under certain conditions.
After entering the country
You must first register your residence at the Citizens Office.
Application and appointment
Please submit the application form and the required documents online or by post. After submitting your online application, you can download a completed document as a PDF for your records. The document will confirm your application and the authorisation/continuation of your previous residence. Once we have checked your application, you will receive an appointment for a personal interview.
- The necessary medical treatment in Germany lasts longer than the visa (type D) issued for this purpose is valid.
- The residence permit can only be issued if you are seriously ill and the medical treatment in Germany is necessary.
- During the medical treatment, your main place of residence must be in Munich.
Required documents
Specialist medical certificate:
- The medical specialist must provide generally understandable information on the diagnosis in the certificate.
- Information on the duration, frequency and type of treatment required. In the event that rehabilitation or therapy is required, please enclose a therapy plan with details of previous, current and future therapy.
- As a rule, the doctor's release from medical confidentiality must be enclosed if questions about the certificate are necessary. The release from medical confidentiality should be noted on the certificate.
- Explanation of the necessity and the care provided by the accompanying person. As a rule, no more than one or two accompanying persons are required, whereby the presence of the nuclear family (spouse, children) is generally regarded as conducive to healing.
Secured livelihood (possible proof):
- Declaration of assumption of costs of treatment and living expenses from a medical service provider for you and/or your companion.
- Bank statement (German or English) if not all costs are covered by the medical service provider.
- Submission of a declaration of commitment (in accordance with § 68 AufenthG) by a private individual or a medical service provider if not all costs are covered by the medical service provider.
Travel health insurance:
- Only required for the accompanying person.
Power of attorney / sub-authorisation and identity document:
- Individual power of attorney for you and your companion, with sub-authorisation for the company representative if necessary.
You must bring the following documents with you to the appointment:
- valid passport or passport substitute
- Biometric passport photo
Please note:
- Further documents may be required in individual cases.
- The decision to issue a residence permit will only be made on the basis of the documents submitted. We therefore ask you to submit the above-mentioned documents in an up-to-date, clear and meaningful form and in full without being requested to do so.
- Unless expressly stated otherwise by the authorities, only copies of the documents are to be submitted. Please note that submitted documents cannot be returned.
- We will treat the documents you submit in strict confidence.
Questions & Answers
In the case of outpatient medical treatment, the patient's main place of residence must be in the city of Munich, even if the treatment itself takes place outside the city.
In the case of inpatient medical treatment, the hospital/rehabilitation centre must be located in the city of Munich. If the specialist medical care (e.g. examinations) takes place in Munich and the treatment involves a temporary stay in a facility outside Munich (e.g. surgery in Munich and rehabilitation outside Munich), the Munich Foreigners Office is still responsible for you.
If you are treated exclusively outside Munich and there is therefore no medical connection to Munich, the Munich Foreigners Office is not responsible for you. This also applies to persons accompanying you, even if they are accommodated in Munich. We can support you in individual cases.
Legal basis
§ Section 7 Residence Act
Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten
Postal address
Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten
Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München
Fax: +49 89 233-45497
Ruppertstraße 19
80337 München
Lagehinweis: Eingang A
Monday 7.30 a.m. - 12 p.m
Tuesday 8.30 am - 12 noon and 2 pm - 6 pm
Wednesday by appointment only
Thursday 8.30 a.m. - 3 p.m
Friday 7.30 a.m. - 12 noon
Only with appointment