Large volume and heavy goods transport - Permit

You require a permit for journeys with oversized or overweight vehicles or vehicle combinations and with vehicles with restricted field of vision.

If a temporary stop ban is required on sections of road in the city area, please use the link under "Forms & Links". Please also note the information published online by the Munich traffic police.


  • Munich is the registered office of the company or branch carrying out the transport or
  • Munich is the place of departure (loading) of the journey requiring a licence

Required documents

  • Fully completed application form (available for download) (with company stamp and signature)
  • Copy of the exemption authorisation for the registration of the vehicle
  • Signed declaration of liability
  • Extract from the commercial register

Duration & Costs

Processing time

about two weeks
(even longer for routes with bridge structures or traffic sign plans)

certificate of urgency required for urgent applications


The fees are calculated according to a standardised formula.

Since 1 July 2022, special usage fees have been charged in accordance with the special usage fee regulations of the City of Munich on fees for special usage on public roads in the City of Munich dated 25 June 2014.

You can find more information on this under " Forms and links"

Questions & Answers

No, the issue of a licence in accordance with Section 29 (3) StVO does not replace the requirement for a special permit in accordance with Section 46 StVO.

This must be entered in the commercial, co-operative or partnership register. A branch office is a spatially separate part of the company that participates independently in legal transactions as an organisational unit and where employees work partly dependent on the main branch and partly independently of it.

Legal basis

Road traffic regulations (§ 29 paragraph 3 StVO)
Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (§70 StVZO)
Road Traffic Fee Regulations (GebOSt)

Landeshauptstadt München

Gewerblicher Kraftverkehr


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Gewerblicher Kraftverkehr

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München

Fax: +49 89 233-39866


Implerstraße 11
81371 München

Please contact us in writing

Related services

Driving ban on Sundays and public holidays - exemption authorisation

On Sundays and public holidays, lorry traffic is prohibited between midnight and 10 pm. You need an exemption licence for essential journeys.

Route determination for the transport of dangerous goods

When transporting hazardous goods on roads, it may be necessary to determine the route.

Road haulage - permit and licence

You need a permit to transport goods with vehicles and combinations of over 3.5 tonnes or over 2.5 tonnes in cross-border EU traffic.

Holiday travel ban - exemption authorisation

In summer, there is a driving ban for HGVs on some motorways and main roads on Saturdays. In individual cases, you can apply for an exemption from this ban.

Transport of oversized loads - exemption authorisation

For journeys where loads with excess width, height or length are to be transported, you require a special authorisation.