Artist Residency in URRA CERRITO, City of Buenos Aires Argentinia

If you work professionally in the field of visual arts, you can apply for a residency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Open Call

Period: 1 October to 22 December 2024

The Department of Arts and Culture of the City of Munich, the Organisation URRA in Buenos Aires (VERIA Foundation), Fundación Santander Argentina via Mecenazgo Cultural de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Goethe-Institut Buenos Aires and Instituto Cervantes Munich offer a Munich artist a three month stay as an artist-in-residence in URRA Buenos Aires ( This residency, in its fourth edition, is part of an exchange program between Artist in Residence Munich (AIR-M) and URRA, whereby an artist from Buenos Aires also undertakes an artist-in-residency program at the Villa Waldberta (



Applications must be received by the Cultural Department of the City of Munich by 23:59 on 21 July 2024.


Who can apply?

Professional visual artists from Munich (incl. S-Bahn area), currently living and working in Munich. There is no age limit, but this residency is not thought for students or artists that are just starting their professional careers.

Applicants commitments and obligations:

  • To participate in the URRA Residency during the appointed months
  • To participate on the activities of the project according to its schedule
  • To engage with URRA's environment and Buenos Aires' artistic and cultural context
  • To name both entities of this partnership (AIR-M and URRA) when mentioning the program, and when possible, the other entities involved: Goethe-Institut Buenos Aires, Fundación Santander Argentina via Mecenazgo Cultural de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Instituto Cervantes Munich
  • To be responsible of your travel and medical insurance during the journey and stay in Buenos Aires
  • To have a valid passport to be able to travel
  • To give back a written report in English of the experience to the Department of Arts and Culture of the City of Munich and to URRA

It is important to mention that this residency is to be undertaken individually (not for partners or families). Residents do not need to speak Spanish but should be aware that not everyone in Buenos Aires speaks English or German. The participation in the Open Call implies the acceptance of the above conditions offered by the project.

We offer

  • Reimbursement of travel costs (economy class) Munich – Buenos Aires – Munich
  • Accommodation in a private room with private bathroom and a shared working space in URRA Cerrito. URRA Cerrito is located in a first-floor flat in the centre of the city and offers a living and working space for up to three artists. There is a main working space, subdivided according to the needs of each resident and a separate studio with general tools and technical equipment. There is a shared kitchen and dining room. The flat also has a toilet for visitors, a laundry room and two covered patios that can be for work and for storage.
  • A monthly grant of 800 Euro
  • A formal programme that includes: an audiovisual presentation at the beginning of the residency, and an Open Studio or similar public presentation at the end of the residency.
  • An informal programme of visits and activities to interact and to know the city and its art scene, organized according to the resident´s needs and interests, and the local cultural agenda.
  • A minimum of two studio visits with invited curators or other professionals.

  • General assistance

Required documents

Please send your application as a single PDF-File (max. 10 MB) to:

We require the following documents in English:

  • Cover sheet with the following information: Name and surname, date of birth, place of birth, passport number, current address, e-mail, telephone number, website if there is one, plus confirmation that you will be available from 1 October to 22 December 2024
  • A statement about your artistic practice
  • Motivation letter with first project or research ideas

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Portfolio

Selection process

A committee of representatives from the Department of Arts and Culture of the City of Munich, the Organisation URRA, Goethe-Institut and Instituto Cervantes Munich will select three applications and send them to URRA which will take the final decision together with an invited local curator.

We will inform you about the decision by 5 August 2024.

Information on data protection and communication by e-mail

Your data is handled in accordance with legal requirements. We would like to point out that communication by email is unencrypted and may have security gaps. (German)


For further information

Department of Arts and Culture

Laura Sánchez Serrano, International Cultural Cooperation

Tel. +49 89 – 233 21244

Further Informations and Inquiries

  • Kulturreferat

    Abteilung 3
    Kulturelle Bildung, Internationales,
    Urbane Kulturen