Study and research

What's required to study or do research in Munich? Infos on recognition of qualifications, academic and student life, research options and contacts.

Services for students and researchers

Academic work and study
LHM / Michael Nagy, Kzenon /

Helpful touchpoints

Foto: Michael Nagy

Student visas and residence

How to enter as a student, change from an au pair to student, change your major...
Find out more
amiga Logo 2021 neu


Career center for internationals
Find out more

Foreign qualifications service unit

The Support Service team helps foreign professionals to obtain recognition an proof of skills...
Counseling team

Munich schools

Hochschule Macromedia - University of Applied Sciences

Germany's leading private media university

FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH

Part of FOM of Applied Sciences, Germany's biggest private university

AMD - Akademie Mode & Design München

AMD - Academy of Fashion & Design Munich

Ähnliche Artikel

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Information on Brexit

The United Kingdom left the European Union on January 31st, 2020. All information concerning Brexit – regulary updated.

Guide for Foreign Students

Registration, bank account, residence permit: A step-by-step-guide for international students arriving in Munich.

Munich Educational Portfolio

The Munich Educational Portfolio is a folder designed for refugees and immigrants 16 years of age or older.